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Alex POV

You would think that because I'm a super hero we would have very good personal safety rules.

I don't.

And neither do the rest of the vigilantes.

Wade has throw himself off many bridges and broken so many bones.

And even thrown himself infront of many knives and bullets for us all. We do try to get him to stop but now he has a super hero complex and is not stopping anytime soon.

Matt is just parkour which doesn't always end well.

I think that Matt doesn't know how much bones are breakable.  And how much organ damage he will probably have before he is even 40.

The dude problem already has a hip replacement already.

Peter says he's fine half the time when he is really bleeding out on the floor. (I had to go and save him because I don't trust his I'm fines anymore)

But Peter try's.

I hav almost zero moral compass.

I occasionally kill people but not all the time (only bad guys) that's one of the reasons I switched to a staff.

I also say I'm fine a lot and practicality radiate 'Smart ass but will fuck shit up by tripping dumbass) energy. 

Ya we all really have no view of safety 

But it's fineeeeee.


It's really not 

Once again enjoy short chapters for a little 

I am very tired 

Buts it's fineeeee


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