About time

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Alex POV

Fuck it.

I mean I could only lose one of my best friends and have everything be awkward after...... It's not that bad...

But what if it goes well?

What if I get a date?

If you couldn't tell I was debating if I should tell MJ I liked her. But I think I should. I mean I think we both like each other... So it will be fine.

I hope.

So in the end I just said Fuck it and texted MJ asking if she wanted to meet up at a small cafe.

Thankfuly she said yes.

I wanted to look nice and not like a human disaster, so I put on the outfit May got me for my birthday. It was the long black skirt, top with flowers on it, a pair of sandals, and a pretty sun hat.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

This Is fine right?

We look fine

Do we?

Yes dumbass.

Now go before I take control of your body and make you have no free will ever again

Ok, ok jeez

I locked the door and started walking to the place me and MJ were meeting. It was a nice small cafe that our whole friend group visited all the time. It was a comfortable spot for us, (besides Delmar's) so I felt a little more confident going there.

When I got there MJ was already waiting for me.

"Hey MJ" I greeted her smiling.

"Sup dork"

"I thought I was the only decent one in the group and therefore wasn't a dork?"

"You are, but you can still be a dork. Now let's get food I'm hungry" MJ said walking into the cafe.

(I don't know I cafes work I just said it because it sounded nice. BUT CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT A CAFE EVEN IS?!)

MJ walked up first and ordered a dark roast coffee thing with a donut. I ordered a iced coffee with Carmel and a cinnamon roll. 

(I don't know any other types of coffee than pumpkin spice, iced coffee and black coffee)

We got our things and got a table outside and sat down.

"So how have you been?" I started the conversation.

"Good, I got a new book yesterday, it's about this girl who died and is haunting this one house with a family who just moved in and she's trying to make them solve her murder. It's surprisingly   good so far" MJ told me.

"That sounds cool, what's it called?" I asked.

"Haunted Murder"

"Cool, sounds like a fitting name" 

"It is"

We talked for a while as we ate the food we got and drank the drinks we got. It was a while before we both decided to start and head home. We left the area and started to walk to the point that was close to my house and to MJ's house. It was like the middle point. And we would leave from there.

Ask now you idiot

I am

"Hey MJ?" I asked as we got closer to the point.


"So um I wanna ask you something" I started. I was pretty sure I was blushing... Like a lot.

"Ask away"

"Ok, so I uh really, really like you and not in like a friendly way... More in a romantic way, and I was wondering, if you would like to go on a date with me?" I asked.

MJ turned and looked at me shocked for a moment which made me kinda panic even more than I already was.

"I mean you can totally say no because we've been friends for a while now and I don't want to make it weird or anything between us, because I really like hanging out with you and I don't want to stop hanging out because I messed up everything and-" I was stopped my panicked rambling by MJ.

"Alex" MJ interrupted me.

".....Yes?" I paused.

"I would love to go on a date with you" She told me.

"Really?" I asked softly.

"Yes, I like you romanticly too" she told me.

"Really?" I asked again.

"Yes really" she confirmed it.

"Oh thank fuck, because I was really panicking because I thought you hated me for a second and I REALLY, REALLY do like you so I was about to die" I sighed in relief.

MJ laughed, "Well don't worry because I want that date, how about you pick me up at 7 on Friday, you can pick the place" She said smiling.

"That would work great... I'll see you then?"

"You will" she said moving to walk away. But before she fully started to walk away she turned back to me and gave me a small kiss on the cheek.

"I'll see you Friday" she winked at me before she turned around and walked away.

I was frozen watching her walk away. After a moment I was able to think enough to move again and started to walk back home smiling the whole way there.


We are



Yes it did!!

.....We have a date with MJ



I think I'm about to die.

You are

Oh Gosh what do we do?

Plan a date

How do we do that?

I got a few ideas

You better

Once I made it home I flopped back on my bed and laid there for a moment trying to wrap my head around what had happened that day.

And what had happened was I got a date with MJ.


lmao what if I died and you never got the next chapter. Or like I say it was all a dream lol. That would be so fun right 😃

I'm not that mean though I promise 


I hope you all know that it's been like 66 chapters since I kinda introduced the AJ ship (you poor people)

And now Alex has a date with MJ


But sadly this is where I'm going to leave it for now until the next chapter 

Have fun my gremlins

-The Author

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