Family dinner

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Alex POV

I groaned as I rolled out of my bed and stood up.

"Oh I hate ghosts" I mumbled as I went into the kitchen to get some food.

"Venom you alive" I asked allowed.


I am dead

"Good to know" I mumbled again.

You may be asking 'Alex why are you talking aloud and not in your head'

Well, it's kinda easy. 

It takes more energy to talk to Venom in my head and also more concentration to focus on holding a conversation which is why when I talk to Venom I tend to look like I'm spacing off.

 It's why it took me longer to figure out how to talk in my head than out loud. And when I'm by myself I can be free to talk out loud so no one will question me talking to myself.

Boom, that's how it's done.

I sat down on the couch with a box of Lucky Charms and turned on the T.V and started to eat like a normal person would.

But I'm nothing in my house is normal.

So naturally one of my chickens (sunny) waddled over and plucked a pice of cereal out of the box and ate it.

"Will you quit eating my cereal everytime I try to eat it"I said pitting the bowl asside and putting the chicken on the couch.

When I turned back around Char was eating a piece too.

"Oh so you're teaming up now" I rolled my eyes and picked up Char and put him next to Sunny.

".... We're having a family breakfast..... Wait it's dinner.... We're having a family dinner now" I said remembering that I passed out earlier and it was still the same day.

"Bart!" I whistled.

I said family.

Bart is family.

Bart came running around the corner and up the side of the couch using his metal nails to latch on and climb up the side of the couch and to sit on my shoulder. (It barely hurts when he climbs up my arm).

And that's how I ate cereal and watched Loony toons with my chickens that an alien stole, a robot rat who I just found out was made by The Tony Stark, and my Alien that is attached to me.

What a life.

An hour later I got up and put my bowl away and called Peter.

"Hey peter" I started off.

"Hey Alex, you doing better?" he asked.

"Oh yea after a little nap and some Loony Toons I'm great"

"Good to know"

"So we still going out for the patrol with Miles tonight?" I asked.

"Yup. And it's soon so you might wanna get ready, we still need to test the suit"

"Oh shit your right" I said looking at the clock and realizing that it was almost time for patrol.

Tonight was the night Miles would be going on an ACTUAL patrol.

"I'll be ready soon enough, don't worry" I said and hung up the phone.

Now all I needed to do was get ready.



Last day of school is tomorrow  

I'm happy to leave 

This chapter is a quick little thing I git done 

Also just a FYI I won't be updating for a little bit just so I can take a break 

Not forever just a little bit 

Hope you all finish school and leave with a fun time (and no murders) 

Bye! And have a good weekend everyone! 

-The Author 

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