Drugs but make it fruity

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Alex POV

I was finishing up patrol for the night when I saw a big cloud of what looked like gas rise up.

I quickly made my way over with my newest cape flowing behind me. Due to it being pride month I decided it was only fitting to add a new cape for the month. I decided to have the pansexual Flag be the newest cape for the month (due to it being my sexuality).

I landed close to we're I saw the cloud rise up. I looked around and saw a small box in the middle of everything, I dropped it down a picked it up (not the best idea I know). There was nothing inside of it and it looked like one of the ghosts traps from ghostbusters so I set it back down.

I looked around again and saw nothing.

"Hey Spidey," I said into my mask, "Did you see that explosion of gas?"

"Ya I'm on my way now" Peters's voice came through.

"Ok, there's not much here now, whoever placed it must have fled by now" I explained.

"Got it be safe"

"When am I not?"

"I can give you a list"

"Spare me"

"I will, for now"

I looked around the area a little bit more when something rolled up go me. It was a little orb thing.

She blinked her orbs-



The orb thing started to blink red and I moved to back up before it exploded. But I was to late and a big cloud of gas came flowing out.

I started to feel very dizzy and I tried to move to swing away when I collapsed onto the ground.

Peter POV

I was making my way to we're Alex said the smoke went off. There was no more smoke in the area by the time I got there, but there was an unconscious Alex.

I dropped down next to her, "Venom" I called, "Venom please don't be dead you know I suck at cover stories"

"KAREN read her vitles"

"Her heart rate is slower than normal but she is at a steady level, you should probably bring her somewhere safe" Karen informed me.

I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder and started to swing back to her place (which is a very hard thing to do)

Once we were back at her place I layed her down on the couch and shut the curtains again. I couldn't do much seeing as she was still passed out so I just took of my mask and waited.

-10 minutes later-

Alex had started to stir and finaly she woke up.

"Who the duck are you?" Alex asked squinting.

"Alex it's Peter" I told her.

"Then why are you in a spider man suit"

"Becasue I'm Spider-Man?"


"Uh yes" I said confused.

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