The last A/N

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So as you all can tell the book is done now. Yay cliffhangers

Also the comments on the last chapter were hilarious, good job y'all.

Also it's pretty much exactly one year (I think) from when I published the first official chapter. So that's great timing.

But yeah, that's it for book 1. I'm gonna make a sequel to continue everything and hopefully, it's more put together than this book. 

I will be going back through the book and editing it a little, just really the grammar and fixing up some plot holes and fixing Alex's backstory a little bit so it makes more sense. I won't change much but I've figured out some things want to fix and all that stuff.

Also thanks to people who actually read this. I didn't really think I would never finish the book let alone get people to read it and like comments so that is awesome. So thank you!

But it won't be forever until the next book so people don't have to wait like months for that to happen (I hope).

But yeah it's the end of the book, 🥳

Anyways anyone got questions?

Feel free to ask I will try to respond.

(ok now I am be dramatic because I can)


-announcer's voice- 

So for one of the final times


-The Author

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