I just love my job

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A/N  also the thing with the knives and eyeliner does work (I used a butter knife).

Also this story is at like 20.2k reads and 328 votes wtf thank you so much!

I'm smiling so much.

And squealing I feel sorry for my friend who is on call with me (hey bestie)

But thank you all! Also I love all the comments I get on the story, I love reading them all!

So thank you!

But on with the story!

Alex POV 

I was at work behind the register reading a book and doing homework, multitasking at its finest. Ms.Chen was out for a little, she was getting lunch and taking her break so I was manning the register until she got back.

It was Monday so I was already tired and working on school projects for the week.

It was a slow day normal we get quite a few people but normally on Monday it's slower or people don't really come tell later in the day.

Suddenly a woman came in through the door.

"Hello" I smiled looking up from my science homework.

The woman just rolled her eyes and went looking through the shelves and freezer.

She's mean

V don't antagonize random people

To early to care

It's literally 3 pm right now


"Um excuse me" 

I looked up from my homework once again and looked at the woman.


"You don't have your gluten free pizzas, and you normally have them" the woman said.

"Well sorry I don't think we have any then" I replied.

"You didn't even check" the woman snapped.

Angry much

"I know we don't have any I just stocked the shelves up" I said. Before work I try to stock the shelves up so I don't have to later so I knew we didn't have any left.

"You need to check I have been coming to this store for a while now so I know you have SOMETHING here" 

"Well I'm sorry but I checked earlier and we don't have any gluten free pizzas" I smiled. I didn't want to do this today. 

Fake it tell you make it I guess.

"You need to check you were probably slacking off and didn't look hard enough"


Shhhh don't kill anyone yet

I will if she doesn't turn around right now

Secret identity remember 

Yes but I don't care

"All right I'll go check again" I give her a sickly sweet smile.

I hop up from my chair and walk around the counter to the storage room. I grab out my keys to the room, I unlock the door and head in thankfully the woman stays outside the door just glaring.

I looked around for a minute and saw nothing.

I turned around and walked out of the room and locked it and turned to the woman. 

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