┏°⌜ 021: Enemy

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It was now evening and you were still at the campfire with Levi, Zeke and a few other soldiers. It felt a bit like making a campfire with friends.

After Zeke got something to eat earlier, Levi has forbidden him to talk to you. The raven overheard everything and said that it is absolutely nonsense what the blonde-haired man was telling you.
Besides, Levi doesn't trust you completely and especially not Zeke.

Well, that's why Zeke is no longer sitting next to you, but on the other side of the campfire across from you.

Unfortunately, Anna, Sebastian and Heinz had something else to do and were therefore not here, but you got on well with other soldiers.

They told you many stories about their recruiting times and about some other funny things. And well, Levi was just annoyed and didn't say a word, sometimes he just made monotonous or bored noises when the soldiers talked about Levi or asked him something.

If they asked anything about you, you just told them you were from the Trost district. Your parents died the day your district was attacked by titans and you work in a bar. That's it.

Even if you have fun with the other soldiers, you couldn't stop thinking about what Zeke said earlier. The story you told him in his dreams and Ymir did not get out of your head.
But the question is if you could even trust him.
Maybe he is lying or wants to confuse you, but maybe you have misunderstood something.
Zeke couldn't tell you directly what he wanted earlier, because Levi was listening.

Now you had to think of Erwin.
He once asked Eren after the Titans Bean and Sawney were killed who the real enemy was.
You are asking yourself exactly the same question. Is it Eren and/or Zeke?

You couldn't trust either of them by now and wondered what you're even doing here.
After you've worked your ass off in the hospital and finally didn't have to work for a week, you could have done something nice with your friends or family... but now you are here in a world full of war and hate. Wonderful.

Deep down you wanted to be able to trust Eren, but unfortunately you have to think realistically.
Actually you don't really know Eren. When you met him he was nice and cute, but now he's cold, mysterious and you can't trust him. It's no different with Zeke, you don't know him or what he himself knows or what even his goal is.

Zeke seems to know you and that he dreamed of you could also be true, because he wouldn't have attacked you in the park and after the party for no reason.
But what if Eren just told him about his dreams?
What if Zeke makes it all up?
You don't know his goal, his knowledge or his intension.
What is he up to?
What does he want?
What does he know?

This story that you allegedly told him in a dream, he certainly didn't tell you that for no reason earlier.
The only thing that would make sense is that you are Ymir's sister.
Even though it sounds extremely unrealistic and implausible, somehow you have a feeling that it is true.
It is an indescribable feeling and words cannot describe what you are currently thinking.
Damn, why is everything so complicated?

"Hey, did you even listen to me?"
A soldier asked you this while he could hardly breathe as he laughed.

"Huh? Oh sorry, I was distracted..." You forced yourself to smile.

"Adam lost his bet and has to kiss Anna!"
The soldier next to you swung his arm around you. He laughed like a child too and wiped off a tear from his eye with the other hand.

"Oh seriously?" You let out a fake laugh.

You noticed that Zeke mostly stared at you with a serious look and sat quietly the whole time. Every time you had eye contact with him you got very nervous and tried to ignore him.
But you just wanted to analyze him. So many questions were floating through your head and Zeke probably has an answer to most of your questions.
But as already said, you didn't know if you could even trust him at all.

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