┏°⌜ 072: Light

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The kids looked at you worried and wanted to run to you, but you signaled to Gabi and Falco to run, and they took off through the woods as fast as they could. You watched them go, your heart pounding in your chest, feeling a sense of relief as they are safe now.
Like Zeke said, he waited a minute for them to run away.

"Alright. I kept my promise, now throw away your knife."

You felt a frisson of anger and frustration at his words. How could he be so callous about the lives of two innocent children?

After throwing the knife on the ground, you looked at him with a look that could kill
"What do you want from me, Zeke?" you said, your voice strong and clear. "If you think I'm going to help you with your euthanasia plan, you're wrong."

There was a long pause, as the Beast Titan studied you.
"You do not understand it. I do this to save the world, y/n. There is no hope for the Eldia."
He came a step closer again
"You know what Eren is capable of and that his plan, the rumbling, would claim countless innocent lives. He is a murderer."

"Look at you! You've also killed a lot of people!"
You screamed furiously
"Plus, Eren has now a more peaceful plan! A plan where-"

"I already know about that. He wants to bring the Eldia into your world and start a new life."

You looked at him confused. So he already knew about it... Why does he think his euthanasia plan would still be better?

"Are you really that naive and believe in that? I trusted Eren, my own brother, but you know what he did. He... he lied to me and betrayed me, he probably does the same to you!"
He sounded angry now, his voice became louder

"Because he couldn't let his homeland and his friends die! Even with the euthanasia plan, Marley would have killed everyone! He just wanted to protect hi-"

He yelled, you had to cover your ears because it was too loud
"Do you really think your plan would work? You have NO guarantee that it is even possible AND even if it is, who knows if your oh so great world would even accept us."

Zeke bent down and grabbed you.
His huge hand almost crushed you and you started screaming.
You felt a surge of panic as the Beast Titan's huge hand closed around you, crushing your body with its immense strength. You struggled to free yourself, but his grip was too tight and you couldn't break free.

"Let me go!" you shouted, your voice echoing through the woods.

But the Beast Titan just laughed, his huge eyes gleaming with malevolent glee.
"You are so predictable.
You, the symbol of freedom, want to save everyone and somehow hope that everything would work out like in a fairy tale. But what happens if it doesn't work? Do you think Eren would then consider backing out of his plan to destroy the world? Because you are here now?"

You felt a wave of anger and frustration wash over you as he spoke. How dare he say that?

But you also knew that you had to stay calm and focused. You couldn't let your emotions get the best of you, not if you wanted to survive.

"I thought so. You can't do anything."
He looked at you like a joke
"You seem to have a connection with Ymir... Maybe I won't need Eren anymore to realize my plan."

"What- That's... that's stupid!"
You gave him a sharp look, still trying to free yourself
"Do you honestly think you could gain the power of the Founding Titan through me? I don't have the powers like Eren and-"

"I know that."
The huge Titan interrupted you
"Normally, Eren and I just need to touch and then you know what happens. It doesn't work that way with you, but Ymir seems to protect you."

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