┏°⌜ 074: Feelings

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It was early in the morning and all the important people were sitting in a large hall at a round table to discuss everything.

With important people, you mean Hanji, Levi, Neil, Pixis, Armin, Mikasa, Jean, Connie, you and... Eren.

Oh, and also Queen Historia!

Before the meeting you found out that Gabi and Falco had their own room and that they were fine. You haven't had time to see them yet, but it comforted you to know they were safe.

"Is there already a status report on the damage done by the two titans?"
Neil asked

"Yes, sir. Surprisingly, there was only one dead whose identity has not yet been confirmed as his head was...disfigured. We have some injuries to complain about, apart from that only unimportant buildings were demolished. That's all."
Armin stood up and saluted.

"Good to hear. And what about Zeke?" Pixis enquired.

Levi took a deep breath and spoke up. "We couldn't get Zeke to talk much, but he can't escape. Hanji and I have been interrogating him and we've gathered some information. He was working together with Yelena, some other people, and obviously with the two Titanshifters Pieck Finger and Porco Galliard -and Zeke still want to realize his Euthanasia Plan. That's all. He said he's not cooperating until he can speak to Eren and y/n."

Everyone at the table exchanged concerned looks.

"Eren, y/n, are you willing to speak with him?" Historia asked.

Eren nodded firmly. "We don't have a choice there. I still have so many questions."

Historia nodded, looking at you
"And what about you, y/n?"

You took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the situation on your shoulders. "I will do whatever it takes to get information out of Zeke. If that means speaking with him, then I'm willing to do it."

During the meeting you couldn't help but glance at Eren from time to time. You thought about everything he told you yesterday and wondered what he thought about it.
It hurts to see him.
You tried to focus on the meeting, but your mind kept wandering back to Eren. His words had left you feeling conflicted and lost. You didn't know what to think or how to feel about him anymore.

Levi gave you a nod of approval, clearly recognizing the determination in your voice. "We'll do our best to keep you safe, but be careful. We don't know what Zeke is capable of."

"Very well. Eren, y/n and Levi will continue working with Hanji to get information out of Zeke. In the meantime, we'll be increasing security measures and preparing for any potential attacks."
Jean added, crossing his arms

Eren stood up, looking serious
"Now that we've discussed that, let's get to the most important part. Y/n, would you tell us what happened while you were kidnapped?"

You took a deep breath before starting to recount everything that had happened to you.
"Of course..."
You told them about Yelena and how she pretended to be an soldier 'Marie', her killing someone who guarded the gates and then kidnapped you.
"-after several hours, we had an accident and the carriage started to tip over. I took the chance and fled in a forest near Dauper, where I was found by the two Marley cadets Falco and Gabi. They took me to the Blouse family and helped me."

After mentioning Sasha's family, Connie and Jean looked at each for a second.

"And Zeke found you?"
Queen Historia asked quietly

"Almost, yes."
You added
"Gabi and Falco helped me escape, stopping in Trost for a night.

Pixis stood up again, looking at you
"So far the story agrees with the one that the two children had told us.
Then Zeke found you three in a other forest, what happened there?"

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