↳˗ˏˋ seventeen ˊˎ˗↴

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[y/n] got the message when she was at home. the games were about two weeks away, so they were doing a huge dinner gala thing to commemorate everyone's hard work for the last few months. she couldn't even believe it had been that long since she started the job; it had felt like mere days.

so much had happened since she started, and she knew it was all for the better. she learned a lot about herself as well, and began figuring out things she might've wanted to do once she finished her stint here. returning to nittadai was obviously the safe option, but she wanted to do something bold. something risky. she just hoped she'd find it.

the boys had made little progress in their pursuits of [y/n]. each of them had tried the effortless flirting, the subtle hints, the attempted asking out, but it always fell short. it wasn't even internal sabotage; they just genuinely sucked at talking to her. she was so focused that all their flirting attempts flew over her head.

there were times when she was flirtatious, but she always cut it short. they weren't sure if she simply wasn't interested, or if she was scared of fucking up whatever friendship bonds they had built. either way, they figured they should keep trying. with the games coming up, it was going to be a tight squeeze, but they'd come up with something.

she wasn't sure how they all ended up coming over to her apartment. or well, not all of them, but a few just showed up out of the blue the day before the gala. she was honestly a train wreck when she had answered the door; pajama-clad and eye bags galore. "uh, what're you guys doing here?" she asked. they were all a bit taken back at her current state. even though she looked like a wreck, she was still beautiful.

"we found out you were working from home the last two days, so we wanted to come by and check on you!" hinata said.

"oh, okay," [y/n] trailed, seeing they were shifting a bit awkwardly. "oh! uh, do you guys want to come in?"

"sure!" bokuto grinned, strolling right in. the others thanked her before stepping in, a little shocked when she had provided house slippers for them to wear.

"sorry for the mess, i wasn't exactly expecting anyone to come over," she nervously chuckled, making her way towards the living area.

"trust me when i say this looks much better than ninety percent of the apartments where we live. everyone's a damn slob," hinata assured.

"you've added some picture frames," kageyama noted, seeing a few new ones scattered about.

"yeah! i had the photos, i just never had time to buy frames. nova actually sent me some frames and forced me to put up more stuff around since it didn't feel homey," [y/n] told them.

"is this nova?" atsumu asked, picking up a photo frame.

"yup. she supposedly grew out of the colorful hair and extravagant makeup, but i think she's still got it in her," she chuckled. "this was right after we found out we passed our athletic training certification. we were both so nervous because we had to start work study with the school's athletics department literally the day after."

"you guys look so happy," atsumu smiled, setting it back down.

"do you guys want any tea? or coffee? i also have sodas and stuff in the fridge," she asked, clearing a few books off the couch so they could sit. bokuto eyed a few of the books and raised a brow.

"masters studies?"

"oh, yeah. i've just been looking into it," [y/n] shrugged, getting them drinks. she set the tray on the coffee table and took a seat, flipping through one of the books. "i feel like i want to, but at the same time, more school means less time working and doing what i love. but, i love to learn new things. it's just all around a difficult decision."

"if it's something you think you'd want to pursue to better your career, i say go for it," kageyama told her.

"yeah! i'm sure you love teaching at nittadai, but there's got to be something else you want to do, y'know?" hinata added.

"i guess," [y/n] shrugged.

kageyama's eyes landed on a few clothing bags on her table, "are those for tomorrow?" [y/n] turned to where he was looking and nodded.

"i'm fucking nervous," she admitted.

"why? it's just dinner."

"just am."

"it'll be fun! if it gets boring and overwhelming at your table, you can come crash with us! i'm sure making room for you wouldn't be hard at all," bokuto suggested.

"thanks guys," [y/n] let out a breath as she gave them a smile.

"you look exhausted, have you been sleeping?" hinata asked, concern painted on his face.

"uh, a little? since we're sixteen hours ahead, it's kind of hard to find time to talk to nova, and she loves to talk," [y/n] sheepishly admitted.

"we'll go ahead and get out of here so you can get some rest. see you tomorrow?" kageyama offered.

"yeah, i'll definitely see you guys tomorrow," she smiled, letting them out. she went and collapsed on the bed, taking in the coolness of her comforter as she slid under the sheets.

sleep never felt so good.


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