↳˗ˏˋ fifty one ˊˎ˗↴

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everyone arrived before the game started, filling up their section and causing a ruckus.

so, the usual.

[y/n] was doing some work while asami and eiko entertained the other boys, which they seemed to not mind. for eiko, at least, this was her chance to get a boyfriend.

"this is so much calmer than the girls games," asami noted, eiko nodding in agreement.

"i thought you guys were bored and played cards?" [y/n] flatly stated.

"that was at the beginning, but then it started to get interesting," eiko told her.

"girls are pretty intense," kuroo shrugged. "i got to see the girls softball and judo matches, and, holy shit, i'm so glad i was not a competitor," he whistled.

"you were at the one where arai got gold, right?" eiko asked.

"yeah. that girl is fucking crazy," kuroo shivered.

"sometimes that's what it takes," asami chuckled.

"who do we play today?" eiko glanced at [y/n]'s tablet.

"iran," [y/n] muttered, scrolling through some stats. "they're kind of ass this year."

"sucks for them," kuroo snorted.

"throw tsuki in for a round, that'll trip them up," kenma joked.

kuroo blinked, "did you just make a joke?"

"i'm quite the comedian," kenma grumbled, returning to his switch.

"it's fine, they got it," kyotani watched them warm up.

iwaizumi made his way over to their section, leaning against the barrier, "you guys are very quiet today, i'm a little concerned."

"shouldn't you be focusing on them?" eiko deadpanned.

"if one of those dumbasses injures themselves during warmups, i'll kill them myself," he muttered.

"this is fun and all, but i'm so tired," [y/n] groaned.

"you're tired? i'm tired! dealing with these dumbasses is a full time job and overtime," iwa huffed, shaking his head. "i hate it here."

"you're about to hate it even more; looks like hinata needs something," asami pointed, seeing hinata making his way over.

"do you have any extra knee pads?" hinata asked.

"seriously?" iwa raised a brow.

"here," [y/n] dug through her bag, pulling out an extra set and tossing it to hinata. "they're new, so they might be a little stiff."

"better than nothing. thanks, [y/n]!" hinata ran back onto the court.

"why do you always just have things?" kuroo asked.

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