↳˗ˏˋ twenty six ˊˎ˗↴

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the karaoke place was surprisingly nice. to [y/n], at least. she had been to some that have definitely seen better days. she got there first, surprisingly, considering she went all the way home and came back. she got the room and headed in, browsing through the menu to see what kind of food and drinks they had. it wasn't long before more people began showing up, and soon, the room was full.

"this is so cute!" hinata squealed.

"i know! i didn't know they had themed rooms until i got here, so i basically forced them to put us in the ghibli room," [y/n] said.

"period, as you should," suna high-fived her.

"oh, i hope it's okay with you guys, but i did invite, like, two people," [y/n] added.

"aw, you don't like hanging out with us?" bokuto pouted.

"no, i do! i'm just always the only girl," she chuckled.

kageyama shrugged, "you have a point."

"we're here," someone knocked on the door.

"oh, hey guys," iwaizumi waved.

"you made it seem like you invited people we didn't know, not people from the training department," sakusa said.

"if you guys don't want us here, we can always go," asami jutted a thumb at the door.

"fuck their feelings, i'm staying," eiko snorted, plopping into the seat beside [y/n].

"come on," [y/n] pouted, holding her arms out. asami rolled her eyes before coming over and sitting on her lap, unprepared for both eiko and [y/n]'s sudden embrace. "okay, who's going first?"

"let me get some alcohol in my system first," aran chuckled, flipping through the drinks menu with suna and yaku.

a waiter had come by and everyone was arguing about what to order until [y/n] pulled him to the side amidst their now off-topic argument and just told him to bring a couple bottles and some food.

"how'd you guys end up becoming friends, by the way?" iwaizumi asked. he was honestly curious; [y/n] was rarely in the training room if he wasn't there, and she usually stopped by for a little before dipping out.

"i ordered takeout nearby and ran into them, and they asked if i wanted to eat with them," [y/n] explained.

"and then we accidentally got drunk as hell so she stayed over," eiko added.

"and then her friend called in the middle of the night screaming about her location on life360," asami chuckled. "her japanese is good, though."

"i had to teach her," [y/n] muttered.

"she speaks four languages, doesn't she?" asami asked.

[y/n] nodded, "english, spanish, portuguese, and japanese. she kind of speaks french, but we don't really talk about that one."

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