↳˗ˏˋ forty five ˊˎ˗↴

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iwaizumi had never lost to kyotani. ever. so why did it feel like he was taking the fattest L of his life right now?

"your mom still sends me a christmas card every year," [y/n] told kyotani, who shook his head.

"yeah, i probably shouldn't have given in when she asked for your address," he chuckled softly.

iwaizumi was truly flabbergasted at this side of kyotani. he had never heard him say so many words in his life, much less even attempt to converse with anyone. but, here he was, just laughing and talking to [y/n] like it was second nature.

he did his best to tune out as much as possible so he wouldn't have to hear it, but there were parts of the conversation that piqued his interest. he really didn't know much about kyotani outside of his brash demeanor when they were in high school, so hearing about him as a kid was interesting.

"oh, shit, i forgot my tablet again," [y/n] groaned, rummaging through her bag. "fuck," she muttered, quickly shooting eiko a text. eiko agreed to meet her halfway, so [y/n] grabbed her credential and looked at the two boys. "i'll be back," she told them, quickly heading out to catch a ride to where eiko was.

iwa and kyotani looked at each other awkwardly, unsure of what to say at the moment. at least when it was oikawa, it was easy for iwaizumi to pick fun at him. but, due to how he always beat kyotani in any competition when they were in school, kyotani had a sort of respect for him, so this made it a little harder.

"so," kyotani finally said, tapping a finger against the table.

"i didn't know you guys knew each other. seemed like you guys are close, too. you never really mentioned her in school," iwa said.

"oh, uh, yeah. she went to a different school, so there wasn't really any point."

"i see."

kyotani studied iwa for a moment before speaking up once more, "you like her."

iwaizumi's eyes glanced over to him, hands still doing his work, "yeah, she's nice. good friend."

"you know i didn't mean like that."

he paused for a moment before continuing his work, "okay. what if i did like her? there's nothing wrong with that."

"i mean, yeah, guess not."

"why, you like her, too?" iwa raised a brow.

"yeah, that shipped sailed a long time ago," kyotani awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.

"hm? what happened?"

"she, uh, kissed me at our middle school commencement ceremony, but i was being a pussy so i just told her it couldn't be like that for us. she just laughed and said okay, so we stayed friends ever since," he shrugged.

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