↳˗ˏˋ forty six ˊˎ˗↴

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[y/n] took her usual seat in the middle, everyone else figuring out where they wanted to sit. she flipped through some stuff about today's match when kyotani had taken a seat beside her, glancing at the papers. "oh damn, stats are good."

"yeah, italy is a good team," she nodded.

"this is such a weird mix of people," iwaizumi came up to their section, leaning against the barrier.

"it's a fun mix," [y/n] told him.

"you've got a cynical meaning of fun, [y/n]," oikawa chuckled.

"you guys are so mean to each other," she shook her head, eyes glancing towards akaashi. she heard about him through bokuto, but could never picture a face. it was definitely a nice face. "are you alright, akaashi?"

akaashi's head shot up at the sound of his name, nodding when he realized he was being spoken to, "yeah, i'm alright. thank you for asking."

"welcome to pool a for today's match between team japan and team italy!"

"oh, it's starting," kogane bubbled in excitement.

"let the match begin!"

"dude, iwa is huge, what the fuck?" kuroo gaped, tapping [y/n]'s knee.

[y/n] looked over to where iwa was, noticing he was looking particularly good today. "he's definitely wearing a smaller shirt, ain't no fucking way he's that big."

"iwa has always been pretty built," oikawa pointed out.

"but that's just ridiculous," [y/n] gestured to him. she tilted her head as she continued to glance at him, shrugging a bit. "i mean, i guess i could use a new necklace," she muttered, oikawa's hand flying to his mouth to keep from screaming.

"i hate it here, goodbye," kyotani deadpanned, getting up and moving to sit beside tsuki and kogane.

"boo, you whore," she stuck her tongue out at him. "akaashi! you wanna sit?"

"sure," he muttered, moving to sit next to her. "bokuto's mentioned you a few times when we've talked."

"all good things, i hope," she chuckled.

"he's quite fond of you," akaashi smiled, directing his attention to the court.

"he's brought you up a time or two. you work as an editor, right?"

"yeah, for a shonen magazine."

"wait, really? that's so fucking cool!" [y/n] awed, nearly missing an important moment in the match. she turned her attention to the court, face heating up a bit. "do you like it?"

"yeah, work is fun. i kind of wanted to work in the literature department, though," he admitted.

"well, bokuto still seems proud of you either way. he talks about you with such childlike joy; it's honestly adorable."

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