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———— CATCH UP.

[y/n] was exhausted. she really should've taken a nap after what happened, but she willed herself to get back to work. and so, the next morning, she could barely get out of bed. for the first time in almost three weeks, she actually found the cardboard bed to be wildly comfortable.

"dude, are you still asleep? you promised you'd come work out with me," eiko returned from the bathroom, half changed in leggings and a sports bra. "ugh, come on," she whined, shaking [y/n].

"i feel like a sad pile of half-melted jello," [y/n] muttered against the blanket.

"you shouldn't have went back to work after falling like that yesterday. imagine if you ended up breaking your ankle?" eiko shook her head, putting her hair up. "are you really not going to come with me?"

[y/n] groaned as she pushed herself upright, taking a breath, "give me, like, ten minutes," she muttered, rubbing her eyes as she stood up. her legs were still sore, but it was manageable. ten minutes later, they were off to the gym. "what're you doing? full body?"

"yeah. i've been slacking a bit with legs so i need to get my shit together," eiko sighed, scanning them into the gym. "the game isn't until later, right?"

"yeah, it's a late afternoon game," [y/n] set her things in the locker.

"i think asami and i will come today," eiko pulled her sweatshirt off.

"good, maybe you guys can entertain the boys so i can actually work."

"aw, it can't be that bad."

"no trust me, it is," [y/n] shook her head, starting her stretches. "if there's one thing i really don't get paid enough to do, it's babysit those idiots."

"i'm sure they're all just really excited about the game. we're on a really good streak right now, so you can't exactly blame them," eiko shrugged. "alright, so, an hour?"

"yeah, sounds good," [y/n] nodded.

the two worked out together for a bit before splitting up when they went to use different machines. after another half hour, they reconvened at the front to head back to their room. "i need a nap," eiko groaned.

"you're such a baby," [y/n] chuckled, patting her shoulder as they walked back to their room. upon entering, they heard asami crying in the bathroom. "asami? you okay?"

"yeah, i'm alright," she said from the other side of the door. they heard the toilet flush, both nodding as they understood.

"i swear, throwing up is, like, your second job now. i could not be pregnant," eiko shook her head, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.

"as hot as i'd look, maybe not right now," [y/n] chuckled. "let me make some more money first."

"make more money just to spend it all on the kid? couldn't be me. i'm too expensive for that shit," eiko snorted. "and some people be popping out, like, eight or nine of those suckers? hell no."

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