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Daniel's POV

"What happened? Did it work? You two talked?"

I just sipped from my drink and stared at the air, didn't want to respond to Oscar. I feel like I'm floating, it's like I'm not in the right state of mind, or I just don't like to answer because that thing will probably be brought up.

Then as we were currently chilling here inside the nearest cafe, the mellow pleasant background music of the cafe was suddenly accompanied by the tingling of the wind chime which doesn't affect its mellifluous sound.

As the door closed, the guy in front of me rose his head like a mushroom and then waved at the air. I didn't turn my head to check who's the one, for I know it's his one and only Hu Yetao.

"Hey," he greeted me and I just stretched my lips to smile, eyes were pierced to my drink, and frowned again after. The guy sat beside Oscar.

Why did I agree to sit here and be a third-wheel?

"It didn't go well," the two looked at me, I'm currently playing the sweat that keeps on dripping on my glass due to the cold content.

I heard Oscar utter an 'oh'. It serves as my answer to his question earlier and the other guy here already got the point.

"Why? You two didn't meet?" it's Hu Yetao this time,

"I saw him, but he didn't see me,"

"You didn't approach him?"

"Why would I?"

"Oh, I saw a tweet of AK last time- ah!"

From the drink, my eyes then lifted and looked at the two.

"Hmm, that's another thing. When I decided to meet him last time, he saw AK first and I just let the two. They might be talking about something," lies, lies, lies.

"What about you?"

"What about me?"

I don't know… I really don't.

"Daniel, if there's a chance that you two will be good again, what are your plans?"

I sighed. It's just the same old question and I'll also respond with the same old answer.

Afterwards, I already finished my drink and these two seems like they doesn't have a plan to leave yet, so I decided to leave first and they just bid goodbyes.

As I'm walking ahead to the classroom for my next class, tons of thoughts filled my head making me float as I pace.

Why do I need to talk to Patrick? So we can be in good terms again! I'm tired of this dodging game and it's awkward! Yes, I'm not in the place to complain because I was to blame that's why we end up running away from each other!!

But here's another question, why am I acting jealous when he's with that AK guy?

"Excuse me… excuse! let me pass, this is urgent… emergency!"

My thoughts then disappeared like a bubble making me see what's happening in reality. A guy who's walk-running and stuff passed on my side making me move a little on the other side, as I gaze ahead, a pair of eyes attracted mine as if we're magnets in opposite poles.

Those familiar eye makes me tremble a bit, feeling such excitement. He's walking on the opposite side of this two-way corridor, slowly and slowly we then walked side by side towards a different direction and our eyes then lock. Cliche as it sounds but it's like a sudden slow-mo that made me feel dizzy.

He always look away whenever we see each other and accidentally exchanged looks, but now, he freaking fought my gazes!

I slowly turn my head, pace also decelerates. I watched him as he walk away, far from me, talking to the people beside him. I almost gave up and turn my head back and walk away but he did look back again and a swift move didn't let my eye pass.

A small smile on his lips. He smiled at me!

That's a small deal but it does send sparks fly to me. It triggered a fluttering inside me making me stopped from walking.

In the middle of this corridor, I clenched my heart. everyone who saw me for sure though that I became mad but I don't care. I just stood there stupidly, gripping my clothes which are now wrinkled as I punch and beat myself in my mind.

"Daniel, if there's a chance that you two will be good again, what are your plans?"

I already know what my plans are. I'm sure I'm still on time. It isn't too late.

Wait for me, Patrick.

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