Fighting to live. ᴘᴀʀᴛ ғᴏᴜʀ

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Mal had been running forever now. It felt like she couldn't stop. It felt like if she did stop, she, and Will would die. She didn't want to give up on Will. She couldn't let Will get hurt. She would blame herself forever. Her clothes were stained with blood, dirt, and some weird goo. She had forgot that she had her super-com with her. Everywhere mal went, it went with her. It was always buckled onto her jeans.

After hours and hours of running, Mal knew she had to come to a stop soon. She needed to stop. She was bleeding to much. She couldn't hear the thing behind her, but she knew it was still there. She didn't know the time, what day it was, or anything. All she knew, was that she needed to get Will out of there. And then herself.

She had hoped Will had found a different hiding spot, if not, she still hopes he was okay. As it turns out, Will still had his super-com with him also, and the two had talked every chance they could get, just to make sure each other were okay.

Otherwise that, mal had been running for ever. She had stopped a few times to catch her breath, or to ask Will if he was okay. It felt like, anywhere she was, she wasn't safe. Nowhere was safe for her.

Her wounds were still bleeding, making her dizzy from the loss of blood. But she kept on going. She kept on pushing, she needed Will and herself back home, To their friends.

She was in so much pain. She could barely hear, and she felt like she was going to pass out. It was only a matter of time before she would pass out, and probably never wake up again.

She needs to keep herself awake. She cannot pass out. If she does, that thing would come after her, and kill her.

She was walking this time. She was lightheaded and dizzy from her low body strength. Mal laid down on a place in the library. The library was her safe place. Her and mike always went there to find more books on d&d. Her and Will would go there sometimes too, they would try to find cool books on art, and history.

Mal walked up the steps, and entered the library. She walked down a hall, she couldn't tell which hall it was, or where she was going, but she walked down the hall.

She came to where she couldn't walk. She eventually doubled over and passed out.

I woke up to the sound of Will singing. I picked my head up from off the ground and looked around. I didn't see him, but I could hear him. My super- com. He might be trying to sing to himself to calm himself, or something.

Mallory sung back to him. "So you got to let me know" she heard him sigh, a happy sigh. The two continued singing together, until the radio cut out.

Mal got up and looked around. She heard stomp. Familiar  stomps.
She got up and booked it. It seems as if everywhere she went, she had to be running.

She wanted to stay awake, she needed to stay awake. If she didn't stay awake, everything would be taken from her. And just as she thought that, she tripped on a vine, landing on the ground as her head hit the ground, a bit to hard. Just then, she drifted unconscious.

Mal didn't know what was happening. She was drifting in and out of consciousness. She was unconscious for a minute, until she heard something on her radio, that was strapped to her belt.

Thank god she had it with her everywhere.

There was static coming from her radio. The noise was getting louder and louder. I was like someone was trying to talk to her. She picked up her radio and spoke unit to it,

"Hello? Mike?! Will?!" She yelled trying to guess who it was. Instead of anything else coming from the radio, a girl in a dirty pink dress came up to her. She looked faded, almost like a ghost.

"who- who are you?" Mal asked the girl that looked like a ghost, In front of her.

"Your- your friends, their coming for you." She said softly to mal.

"Mike? Lucas? And Dustin?" Mal asked back to the girl.

She just nodded.

"hurry" mal managed to croak out.

And then just like that, the girl was gone.

Mallory thought she was hallucinating. After all, she had been through some tough shit today.

She just layer her head back, onto the ground. She hoped they were coming soon. She was losing her breath. It was so hard to breathe with the spores around her.

She felt the breathe come out of her, just as her world went black.  

She didn't know how long she was practically dead for. Her world was black. She never thought that the day would come, Mallory dying.  That was until she felt something.

She was still dead, but could hear and feel around her.

She could hear a male voice. Almost sounding like hopper. It sounded as if he was saying

"come on kid. Come on!" He was yelling

She could hear a female voice. Sounding like Joyce.

"Please... please come on!" She was yelling.

Mallory felt something pounded in her chest. Like someone was hitting it.

Then she felt it. She felt her breath come back to her.

She shot up panting. She looked around herself to see hopper looking as her with a relaxed expression.

She saw Joyce, holding Will. She was smiling and panting with tears coming out of her eyes.

Will. He was staring at her with a relieved smile. She tried to get up, only to realize that she couldn't.

"here, here." Hopper said, picking the girl up bridal style. She hissed in pain as he accidentally touched her collarbone, that had a big gash in it.

" Will... are you okay?" She somehow managed to get out.

He nodded and reached for her head. She immediately put her hand in his, praying to god that they would make it out.

Bro. I know this sucked because I didn't know what to write and got kinda bored with it, but the next chapter in the last for season one. I know, I know. I made it very short. I just didn't know what to write for Mallory's time in the upside down. Anyways, prepare yourself for a happy next chapter.

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