14. The Creel house.

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The group got out the car, looking up at the big house. It was a blue house with boards covering up some places.

They walked up the sidewalks stairs, stopping before they got to the door.

"Yeah, that's not creepy." Steve sarcastically said, looking at the house.

They walked up to the house, seeing it was boarded up. The group looked around the place for something to help open it up with.

"Uh, anybody got a hammer?" Steve asked the group.

"Yeah. in Dustin's backpack." Mal told him.

"What-" Dustin started, getting his backpack off his back.

"I put it in there before we left." Mal simply replied.

"Why?" Max asked.

"Just incase."

"Just incase?" Lucas repeated.

"Yeah. Mike always tells me to "always be prepared" so I brought one. Just in case." She told them, smiling proudly.

"You really take his advice?" Nancy asked, knowing how stupid her little brother can be.

Mal shrugged. "Sometimes."

Dustin got the hammer and handed it to Steve, who took the nails out with it. Nancy was beside him, holding up the boards incase they were to fall on him.

"What exactly are we supposed to be looking for in this shithole?" Steve asked, taking the nails out.

"We're not sure. We just know this house is important to Vecna." Nancy replied.

"Because max saw it in Vecna's red soup mind world?" Steve asked.

"And I saw it too. It's obviously important." Mal added to Nancy's point.

"Also, Mal when were you gonna tell them about your powers?" Steve asked, making Nancy, Lucas, and max look at her.

"Wait, he knew?" Lucas asked.

"I didn't mean for them to know!" Mal defended herself.

"Them?" Max asked.

"Yes. Steve and robin." Mal told the girl.

"Maybe it holds a clue to where vecna is. Why he's back. Why he killed the creels. And how to stop him before he comes back for max." Dustin said, ignoring the conversation the three people were having.

"I mean, I can try and stop if he comes for her again." Mal shrugged, she did it once, she'll do it again.

"Mal, they just got back. They might not be strong enough." Nancy told her sister.

Mal nodded, before looking down. Just what she thought this whole time.

"We don't think he's in here, do we?" Lucas asked, making the group go silent.

"I guess we'll find out." Max said, looking at the house. Mal grabbed the girls hand, still scared.

"Ready?" Steve asked Nancy, once they got all the nails out.

Nancy hummed, as the rest of the group got out the way. Steve and Nancy let the board down, the loud noise making the four teens flinch.

"Damn." Mal muttered, it was dusty, so it must have been like years since someone last opened it.

Mal noticed max staring at the door in fear, thinking about the events that happened yesterday.

Mal squeezed max's hand, giving her a comforting smile. Max lightly smiled back.

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