11. Stop at the mayfields.

910 42 94

"Max! Seriously, I'm not joking. I'm not driving you anywhere. Mal help me out with your girlfriend!" Steve yelled.

"Steve, you you think that I'm going to spend what is likely the last day of my life in the armpit of Mike wheelers basement, then you're out of your mind." Max told the older guy.

"Uh, it's my basement too." Mal sarcastically said to the ginger girl.

"Yeah, well, you don't smell like a sweaty teenage boy." Max told Mal, making Mal smile.

"Why, thank you, my love." She bowed, before catching up to the her girlfriend and Steve.

"So, Steve, you can either take time to where I need to go, or you're gonna have to tie me down, which is technically kidnapping of a minor, and if I live to see another day, Steve, I swear to god, I will prosecute." Max told the boy, before going to the car.

Her and Mal made it at the same time, trying to open the door, but it was locked. "Open the door." Mal sternly told Steve.

"Uh, no." Steve told the girl.

"I know a hood lawyer." Max told the older boy sternly, looking him dead straight in the eyes.

Mal felt herself holding back a laugh as max and Steve stood for a minute, staring at each other. Finally Steve scoffed, and got out the keys to unlock the doors.

"Henderson, the super walkie of yours better reach Pennhurst." Steve told the boy, unlocking the doors and getting inside the car.

Mal lipped into the cars backseat, in the middle of Lucas and max. Lucas got in after her, and max was about to, until she stopped.

Max turned around slowly, staring into nothing. Mal noticed at grabbed her hand.


Max turned around quickly, a bit startled. Once she realized it was just Mal, her face softened and she grabbed onto her hand, before getting into the car.

Mal smiled at max, still holding onto her hand. Max smiled back, before leaning to Mal's ear and whispering something.

"You're gorgeous, too." Max whispered, making chills go down Mal's spine.

Max wrapped her arm around Mal's waist, and smiled charmingly at Mal.

The action and word "gorgeous" had Mal a blushing mess. The two girls never really used the big words like gorgeous, and when max called Mal it, it made her feel confident and beautiful.

Max then turned back to face if the front, as did Mal, even though she couldn't stop blushing.

Max got her Walkman, and put the headphones on, but gestured for Mal to come closer, so they could share.

Mal scooted closer, and max put the headphones on both of them. Max took out her tape of Kate bush.

"You can put yours in, if you want." She told Mal, holding the Walkman out to her.

"Sure." Mal smiled, before getting into the small bag she grabbed before they left. She grabbed the mixtape out, the one with her favorite songs.

Even though AC/DC was Mal's favorite band, her favorite song was Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.

"I thought AC/DC was your favorite and?" Max asked the girl beside her.

Mal shrugged. "They are, but my favorite song it Bohemian Rhapsody." She told her girlfriend.

"My favorite song is running up that hill. But you already know that." Max told Mal, she did already know that because of when they were at Max's house not that long ago, max told her.

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