Woods x Reader: Trapped - Part 2

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After being found by Woods, I was basically living with him. I was still nervous around the others even though I had spent time with them on multiple occasions. I was currently at Blue Base since Woods had to work. I sit on the couch in the common area of Blue Base and watch some videos on Woods's laptop. Sam was sitting in a chair near me to keep me company.

I look up at Sam, "Hey Sam"

"What's up?" Sam says, looking at me.

"So I need some advice," I say to her as I pull my legs up to my chest.

Sam moves over and sits next to me on the couch "On what?" She asks me.

"I like Woods," I say to her.

Her eyes light up "You like Woods?" She says excitedly.

"Yes. I want to tell him but I don't know how to" I say to her.

"You just need to go for it. Don't hold back. Just tell him." Sam says to me.

"Just go for it? What if he rejects me?" I ask.

"Then call me or Bailey. We will come to get you." Sam says.

"When should I tell him?" I ask.

"How about now? He should be done with meetings for now" Sam says.

I nod as I take a deep breath getting up. I go to walk around the corner running right into Woods who had been standing there listening to my conversation with Sam. Tears filled my eyes knowing he just heard anything as I pulled back from Woods.

"You were listening weren't you," I ask looking up at him.

"I couldn't help it. I didn't want to interrupt your discussion" Woods says to me.

I take a deep breath "Alright go ahead and do it then"

"Do what?" Woods asks me.

"You're going to reject me aren't you," I say to him. "You don't feel the same way about me"

"What? No Y/N" Woods grabs my hands "I'm actually super happy you feel that way about me. Y/N, ever since the moment I saw you in that place something in me changed. There is something about you that makes my heart stop. Every time you smile, every time you laugh, every time I see you sleeping peacefully after fighting off nightmares, I just can't help but get these butterflies in my stomach. I want to be right by your side while you continue healing and continue to get better. I want to help you get better because I don't want you to have to ever be alone again. "

"When did you know?" I asked.

"What?" I said back.

"When did you know you felt that way about me?" I asked.

"The day I came home and found you sleeping in one of my shirts on the couch. You had Roo tucked under your arm with the blanket draped over the both of you. Roo normally gets up immediately to greet me but that day he just looked at me before snuggling into you more. Seeing him so comfortable in your arms made my heart stop" Woods explains to me. "I was actually coming to ask you if you wanted to move in with officially"

"You want me to officially move in with you?" I ask, smiling.

Woods pulls out a spare house key and holds it out to me. "I want you to be able to call it your home," Woods says to me.

I take the key from him gently. I smile as I quickly wrap my arms around Woods, hugging him tightly. Woods pulls me up into a deep kiss. I blush into a kiss as I hear Sam squealing with happiness behind us. The click of a camera causes us to pull away.

"Really Sam" Woods says to the girl behind us.

"I can't help it, you two are so adorable," Sam says.

I push my face into Woods's chest to hide how red it was to those around us. Woods holds me securely to his chest as he laughs at Sam asking her to send the picture to him.

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