Ben x Reader: I did it

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Warning: Eating Disorder

"She may need you to push her a bit" I hear Matt say from out in the kitchen area of the RV.

I was found in Syntec Location 3 by Matt and his team. They had brought me to someone who they thought would be able to help me. The time I was at Syntec wasn't pleasant. I rarely ate due to the fear of being there. Experiments were performed on me and I was terrified that there would be something in the food that could harm me.

I had just got done showering and I was about to walk out to everyone when I overheard them talking about me needing to eat.

"I know. I just don't want to lose the little trust she has in me or even in us. If I force her too much she may close herself off completely" I hear Ben says.

Ben was the guys I was going to be staying with. He was experimented in as well. It made me feel a bit better knowing he knew what I went through.

I slowly open the door of the bathroom gaining the attention of the others.

"Hey Y/N you feel better?" Ben asks me.

I nod, "yes thank you" I say.

"How about some food?" Ben asks squating to my level.

My eye widen as I shake my head. I back up into the wall behind me. "No no." I start to say. "Please. I dont want to eat."

"Hey hey. Its okay" Ben whispers. "Everyone else is gonna eat. Why don't you at least sit with us then?"

"I don't have to eat?" I ask as he leads me over to the table.

"Not if you don't want to" Ben says as he slides into the booth.

He pats the spot next to him. I sit next to him. The others eat there food as I watch. My belly growls as I watch them. I pull my legs up to my chest. I scoot over closer to Ben to see what he had.

"Here" Ben says pulling a small piece from sandwich and holds it out to me. I hesitate before slowly taking the piece. I slowly eat the piece of sandwich. Ben watches me until was gone. "Do you want some more?"

I shake my head. "Not really."

"That's okay you did well." Ben says.

Ben cared for me like this for weeks. Only asked me to eat what I was comfortable with. Typically it was me picking pieces of food off Ben's plate since I knew it had to be safe for him to be eating it. Eventually I started to get over the fear of the food not being safe since Ben made everything I ate.

Ben carries in a plate a food to me since I was sitting in bed reading.

"Time to eat" Ben says.

"That much?" I ask nervously.

"Yes this much. It's time to up your servings unfortunately" Ben says handing me the plate.

"Do I have to eat it all?" I ask.

"Yes. It's time to start eating everything." Ben say before sitting next to me. "Look im gonna do it with you" Ben shows me his plate.

I sigh nodding as I slowly eat. Ben and I talked while we ate. This always help distract me from how much I was actually eating. Eventually the plate was empty.

"Look! I did it!" I say excitedly.

"See I told you that you could do it" Ben says taking the empty plate from me. "Im so proud of you, love"

I blush as Ben goes to take the plates to the sink. I get up and follow him. "You're proud of me?" I ask.

"Of course I am. Look how far you've come. You have become such a strong beautiful woman" Ben says.

I blush even more as my heart flutters "Thank you" I say looking up at him sweetly.

Ben pulls me closer as he slowly takes his mask off. "I'll always be proud of you, Y/N" Ben whispers before he gently kisses me holding my face gently.

I stiffen slightly at first in shock that the person I had the biggest crush on was kissing me. I quickly press into the kiss allowing Ben to pull me even closer. Our lips move together in sync until we had to pull apart due to Ben's breathing becoming irregular. I watch as he slides his mask back onto his face smiling.

"Ben?" I whisper.

"What is it love?" Ben says looking down at me.

"I love you" I say.

Ben chuckles as he sets his chin on my head while he hugs me tightly. "I love you too" He says back

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