Ben X Reader: Lost And Found

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Ben's POV

Matt and his team had gotten me out of jail recently with the deal that I was to help them with what was going on at the studio. We were in blue base when an alarm-type noise started coming from upstairs. 

"Sam I thought we turned the RSD off," Matt says. 

"We did," Sam says. 

"But that is the RSD right?" Matt asks. 

"That's the same noise" Sam answers. 

We head upstairs and check the RSD which was on. The mark on the screen showed that there was a radioactive spike somewhere. We all decided to go and check on the location to see what was going on especially since I hadn't set this one-off. Woods instantly recognized the place. 

"Why would there be a spike here?" Woods asks as we get out of the car. It was the location where I had put the mountaineer when I stole it from Matt. It was also the location that Woods liked to hang out at in high school.

"Ben? Any ideas" Matt asks. 

I sigh as I thought "Nelson had something stored here. He told me something special was to be hidden here eventually" 

"Wait shh," Matt says as he looks at the area. You could hear a slight whimpering coming from the inside of the broken-down building. "Stay here," Matt says before walking towards the sound. "Oh my god," Matt says running behind a while. 

"No No please" I hear a girl say. The voice sounded so familiar to me. 

"Shh, I'm not gonna hurt you. What happened to you?" I hear Matt asks. 

"M-My boss, Nelson, he... He left me here. I don't know where I am... I need to find... oh he has to be so worried about me. I gotta- I gotta find him" The girl says before we hear shuffling. 

"Hold on you're hurt," Matt says. "Who do you have to find?" 

"Benjamin," She says quickly. 

I recognized who it was the moment she said my name. I run to where Matt was. There sat Y/N L/N, my girlfriend. Someone Nelson took from me. She was covered in cuts and bruises. Her hair was messy and tangled. Her face was covered in dirt.

"Y/N," I say quickly. 

"Benjamin!" She cried out seeing me. 

"Oh my god," I say as I run over to her scooping her up into my arms. 

"This is the girl you were telling us about," Matt says. 

"Yes, this is Y/N. The scientist Nelson took from me" I said as I cradled her in my arms. 

"Ben, why are you in prison clothes?" Y/N asks. 

Matt starts to laugh. "That's a long story for him to tell you later. Come on let's get back to the crew" Matt says.

I carry Y/N in my arms as we walk back over to the team. The girls immediately run overseeing the girl in my arms. 

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" Sam asks Y/N 

Y/N clung to me tighter as she nods. 

"What happened to you?" Bailey asks. 

"N-nelson," Y/N says. "He tortured me then he left me here to die."

"Please tell me he didn't inject you with serum," I say to her. 

"No serum, he has threatened to a few times," Y/N says to me. 

I sigh in relief as I run my fingers through her hair gently "You're safe now. That's all that matters to me" I say to her. 

"Matt how are we all going to fit in the car," Woods asks.

"I don't think she is going to let go of him anytime soon so she can sit on his lap," Matt says. 

I nod as we head over to Matt's car. I climb into the back as I cradle Y/N to my chest. Once I was situated with her Woods and Bailey go into the back with me as Sam sat upfront with Matt. Y/N snuggle against me slightly as she falls asleep almost immediately. Whatever Nelson had been doing to her had her completely exhausted. 

I run my fingers through her hair as Matt drives us to my RV. Once there I get out of the car with help of Matt. Matt opens the door of the RV for me so I can carry her inside. I move to lay her down on the bed at the back. Y/N shifts in her sleep curling up comfortably on the mattress. I pull a blanket up over her shoulders. 

I walk back to the team who was watching me take care of you. They were all smiling like idiots. 

"What?" I asked. 

"Never thought someone like you actually had a heart," Woods says smirking. Matt quickly elbows him "Ouch man" 

"Ha ha ha Woods very funny," I say laughing. "She just brings out a side of me I don't show often" 

"Benny?" I hear Y/N say from the bed.

"I'm right here," I say turning towards her. She was sitting up on the bed now. She had tears spilling down her cheeks. "Hey hey, what's wrong?" 

"I thought earlier was a dream" She sobs. "Nelson told me you were dead" 

I walk over and pull her into a hug. The others head out so I could take care of her. I climb into bed with her. 

"I'm here," I say to her. "I'm here and I'm alive" 

Y/N clings to my shirt as she cries. "I'm so happy you're alive. I feel like I'm in a dream. I don't want to wake up" She says. 

"You are already awake. This isn't a dream" I say to her. 

"Prove it," She says to me.

I smile as I move her in my arms. I move my mask so I could kiss her gently. I hear her sigh in contentment as she kisses me back. 

"Alright, that proved it" She says smiling. 

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