Ben x Reader: Secrets - Part 3

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I look ahead as the officer in front of me give me a quick pat down. He nods allowing me to head on down the hall. I was headed to visit Ben who had been out in jail thank to Matt and the Team. Matt tried to explain to me that he was attempting to set off a serum bomb but I really didn't want to hear it causing an argument between the two of us. This left me alone for two months with no one except my work doing commissioned paintings.

I nod to the guard who let me into the room Ben was located. There sat Ben on the bench on the jail cell. His hair was messy and he was wearing a prison uniform. He still had his apparatus on luckily but he didn't have the goggles on. He meets my eyes and quickly gets up.

"Is that really you my angel from heave?" Ben asks walking to the bars that separated us.

I smile as I reach through the bars to gently caress his face. "It's really me, my knight in black armor. Oh how ive missed you" I whisper.

"Ive missed you too Angel." Ben says as he reaches through the bars to wrap his arms around me as best as he could.

I press myself against the bars so Ben could hold me. "How are you?"

"Now that you are here better but when you're not here, its hard." Ben says.

"Im sorry they locked you up my Knight" I say sadly. "When Matt told me they locked you up, him and I got into another fight."

"You guys are still at each others throats. Angel it's been months. It's time to work through this with them" Ben says.

"Knight, I have nothing to say to him. I don't work with him now remember" I say.

"I know but I hate that you quit cause of me" Ben says.

"I hate that they put here not that im gonna complain too much cause you look fucking hot in your uniform" I say causing Ben to laugh.

"Fine are you at least taking care of yourself? You look exhausted" Ben says.

"I haven't been sleeping that well" I admit.

"Why is that?" Ben asks rubbing my back gently.

"Im worried about you. You can't get access to serum in here" I say.

"Angel, I am being well taken care of here. They are providing be with what I need including serum." Ben says.

I nod as I look up at him. I lean my head on the bar. "I wish I could kiss you right now" I whisper.

"Me too" Ben says before he pulls away from me.

I look to see a guard walking up to us. "Time to go" The guard says.

"But I just got here. Can't I stay for a few more minutes.?" I ask.

"Unfortunately Mr. Cobalt is not allowed to have visitors stay for very long" the guard informs me.

"It's okay Angel, we will see each other again soon." Ben says squeezing my hand tightly. "Go home and get some sleep

I nod as I walk away from him with the guard at my side.

Over the next couple days, I tried to focus on my commissions as I wasn't sleeping much. Woods ans Sam had been telling me that Matt has been acting really odd recently and that they were worried about him. This made me worry about whether this was cause of his and I's fight. I was currently had paint splattered in a canvas as I was making something for him in hopes he could forgive me.

A knock on my door caused me to jump. I set my paint brush down and head to my front door. Upon opening it I notice a rose taped to the door. I stare at it in confusion until I heard a crash coming from my art room. I pull the rose from the door before going into the kitchen to grab a knife. I slowly walk to the closed door of my art room. I kick the door open to reveal Ben in his prison uniform covering in red paint. He had climbed through the window and had tripped over something knocking paint onto him. I immediately start to laugh.

"It's not funny Angel" Ben says looking at me.

I set the knife down on the desk nearby before going over to help he off the ground.

"How are you here?" I ask.

"It's a long story but I just needed to see you" Ben says before he pulls me into a tight hug.

"Ben the paint!" I squeal.

Ben pulls away slightly so he could look at me. "I have to tell you something" he says to me

"What is it?" I asked worried.

"I love you. Im so madly in love with you" Ben says.

I look up at him with wide eyes. I quickly reach up pulling his mask off. I quickly pull him into a kiss. He quickly kisses me back holding me even closer. I set his mask down on the desk as I put my hands on his face smearing paint on his cheeks, deeping the kiss. He pulls away after a bit.

"Is that my I love you too?" He asks smiling

I laugh, "Yes that was your I love you too" I say smiling. I pick up his mask sliding it back onto his face. "Are you staying with me?"

"I actually thought you could come stay with me at the RV tonight" Ben says.

"Oh that's fine! Let me go pack!" I say before running to my room to pack a bag.

Once I was ready, Ben and I headed to his RV. It was nice to spend time with him since he was gone for so long. Once there Ben allowed me to shower first. Which I may have invited him to join me but I'll let that up to your imagination. After showering, Ben and I crawled into bed together. I layed my head in his chest and relaxed listening to his heartbeat.

"I never want this to end" Ben says to me as he holds me tightly.

"Maybe it doesn't" I say as I sit up to look down at him.

"And how do you plan on keeping this this way forever" Ben asks looking up at me.

"Move in with me" I say.

Ben goes quiet for a bit before he speaks "You want me to move in with you?" Ben asks.

I move so Im straddling his waist. "If you move in we would never have to be apart" I says.

"Okay. Let's do it" Ben says as he pulls me down to kiss me. "I love you my angel from heaven"

"I love you too my knight in black armor" I say before I kiss him again.

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