Ben X Reader: Don't Leave - Part 2

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I groan in frustration as I look through the documents before me. Matt had been kind enough to let me go through the documents they had found in my RV after bailing me out. We were looking for something specific. Something to lead us to a girl I once knew. Alot of the files were conversations between Deb and I.

"Relax Ben" Matt says to me. He was sitting across from me in the conference room.

"I'm trying. I just need to know if this girl... if she's still alive and okay" I say to him.

"She mean something to you?" Matt asks.

"Yeah. Alot. Actually." I answer. "She is... or was my girlfriend."

"How long had you two been together?" Matt asks.

"We were together almost 3 years before she had to go into hiding" I answer.

"Wow." Matt says. Matt was about to say something when his phone started to ring. "It's Sam" He says before answering it putting her on speaker.

"We found something" Sam says over the phone. "Her name is Y/N L/N correct?"

"Yes" I answer.

"She has a tracker on her. A tracker you gave her Ben" Sam says.

I quickly remembered the necklace I had placed around her neck. I quickly pull out my phone and pulls up the app I used to track the necklace with. I sigh in relief seeing it was still active and moving.

"She's alive" I says smiling.

"Where is she?" Matt asks.

"Here" I say showing him the tracker.

"Let's go see her" Matt says.

"Really? Now?" I ask.

"Yes now. Don't you want to see her after 7 years." Matt says gathering the evidence on the conference table to take back to the vault.

"Of course I do" I say quickly helping him.

Y/N pov

I yawn as I woke up from a nap I had been taking since I got back from work. I could hear Cassie walking downstairs letting me know she was now home from work as well. How ever the knock at the door caught me off guard. Cassie didn't mention us having guests.

I quickly threw a sweatshirt over my head. One I've had for 7 years now. The same one I wore everyday since he left me here. I quietly walk down the stairs

"You have been gone for seven years! And you expect me to just let you walk right back into her life?" I hear Cassie yell.

"You don't understand. I literally had no choice in the matter" I hear someone else yell. The voice almost sounded familiar.

"No choice? No choice! Seven fucking years! Seven years of nightmares! Seven years of therapy because you left her!" Cassie yells.

I slowly crept into the kitchen so I could listen better to the conversation.

"Cassie I know I was gona for so long but I'm back now. I don't planning on leaving this time." The other person says.

I pick around the corner of the kitchen. I could see Cassie but I couldn't see who was at the door. I put my hand on the counter only to knock over the pots sitting in the dish strainer.

"Shit" I mumble leaning down to pick them up.

"Y/N?" I hear Cassie call me.

I stand up and look at her. "I wasn't trying to ease drop there was just alot of yelling" I say quickly.

Cassie sighs. "Come here. There's someone here who wants to see you" Cassie says stepping back from the door.

I slowly walk over to her. I take her hand once I was close enough. I look up at the familiar blue eyes I had loved so many years ago. That I still loved too this day.

"Hi Y/N" I hear the blue eyes man says to me.

The moment I knew who it was. I got angry. I flench my hand into a fist and swung it right into Ben's face. Cassie grabs ahold of me before I could do anymore damage

"Okay I deserved that" Ben says to me.

"Seven years!" I screamed. "How dare you come back after leaving me for seven years!" Angry tears spill down my face. "It's been seven fucking years"

"I know love. Im so sorry. I didn't know how to get to you. After we hid you, Nelson decided to use me instead. He turned me into an experiment. I didn't mean to leave for seven years." Ben explained. "But I'm here now and I don't plan on leaving again"

I slowly started to sob looking at him. Ben immediately pulled me into a tight hug. All my anger turned into sadness as I melted into my boyfriend's touch. He holds onto me like I was gonna disappear and I held onto him just as tight.

"Don't leave me ever again." I whisper.

"Never baby. Never again" Ben whispers back to me. "Go back your things. We are going home"

I nod as I pull away. I look at Cassie who smiled at me. I could tell she was still worried but she was happy to see me happy. I run upstairs and quickly pack before running back down to Ben. It was only then did I notice the other people with him.

"I'm Matthias" One of them says. "These are Woods and Bailey"

"They helped me find you" Ben says.

"Oh. I'm Y/N" I say shaking their hands.

"It's so nice to finally place a face with a name" Matt says.

I smile before I turn to Cassie. I hug ther tightly thanking her for taking care of me. She starts to cry hugging me. I knew it was because I was leaving. I quickly reassured her that I will come visit as much as I can.

I soon left with the team and Ben. I snuggle into Ben's side the Matt drove. Ben runs his fingers through my hair which slowly makes me drowsy and for the first time in seven years, I fell asleep with no nightmares filling my mind.

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