Wesley x Reader: Bed Rest

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I groan as I sit up. I was on bed rest for my pregnancy since I was getting pretty close to my due date. Wesley was currently at work since Nelson had called him in for an emergency. I was getting bored with sitting in bed and since Wesley was away I could get away with being out of bed. I slide a robe on before walking down to the kitchen. I open the fridge up to pull a snack out smiling before looking over at the sink. There were a few dishes in the sink so I decided to do them up. 

"What are you doing?" I hear Wesley say behind me causing me to jump dropping the spoon I had in my hand. 

I slowly turn around to see my husband standing behind me with his arms crossed looking at me sternly. I laugh nervously "The dishes?" I say nervously. 

"Aren't you supposed to be in bed?" Wesley asks me.

"Maybe?" I say back. 

"Babe" Wesley says sternly. 

I sigh, "I can't stay in bed all the time. It's driving me crazy" I say to him. 

"I know but the doctor says bed rest until the baby is born" Wesley says. I groan slighly in annoyance. "I know you hate it but go back to bed." I huff at him before I walk by him. He grabs my arm gently. "How about a relaxing soak in the tub?" 

"Fine, but only if you join me" I say to him.

"I would love to join you" Wesley says to me before letting me go. 

I walk to the bedroom to get clean clothes. I could hear the water running in the bathroom letting me know Wesley was getting the tub ready. I grab Wesley clothes as well before walking to the bathroom. He looks at me before taking the clothes from me. He helps be get undressed before helping me into the tub. I sigh in relief as the warm water soothes my muscles. Wesley gets undressed before getting in the tub behind me. 

I lean against his chest as I sigh in relief. "So what was the emergency at work?" I ask.

"Patient went crazy and attacked an employee" Wesley explains as he puts his hands on my belly gently. 

"Jeez is the employee alright?" I ask. 

"Yes. Few scratches but nothing serious" Wesley says "but they did teach me a trick that they said they did for their wife when they were pregnant. Said I should try it on you" 

"Oh? What's that?" I ask. Wesley slides his hand to the underside of my belly. He pulls up a bit on it picking up some of the weight. I sigh in relief "Oh my god" 

"Yeah? Feel good?" Wesley asks. 

"Uh huh" I say smiling. 

Wesley sets my belly back down causing me to huff slightly. Wesley laughs at my reaction. "I can't hold it all the time my love" 

"Says the person who has been holding the weight of this baby for 9 months." I say. 

"They will be here soon" Wesley says. 

"God I hope so." I say moving slightly to get comfortable. 

Wesley kisses my head gently. "I love you so much. I'm so happy to have you as my wife and to have to be carrying my baby." Wesley says to me. 

"I love you too and it's our baby" I tease. 

"Yes our baby" Wesley says laughing. 

After our relaxing soak in the tub, Wesley helps me back to bed. I yawn as he pulls the cover onto my frame. Wesley lays next to me gently rubbing my belly coaxing me to sleep. I eventually fall asleep as Wesley gently pulls me into his chest. 

Project 863 x Reader One ShotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang