Woods x Reader: Protector

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I take a shakey breathe as I scroll the texts I had received on my drive to the studio. For a while now, I was being stalked by someone who watches Woods's channel. Dating Woods's means I get featured on his channels as well as a few at the place he works at. Mostly the stalker would text me, call me only to just breathe on the other hand, send pictures of myself doing things or send things to Woods and I's P.O box that we have for fan mail.

I put my phone to my ear as I call my boyfriend. "Hey Woods?" I say when he answers.

"You here?" He asks.

"Yeah umm... can you or tanner come get me. I'm getting pictures of myself in the parking lot" I answer.

"On my way out with Tanner and Matt" Woods says.

I watch the three of them walk out to my car. Woods looks around before opening my door. I quickly get out and hide my face against Woods chest. He closes the door as Tanner grabs my things. Matt walks us to Blue before letting us inside.

"Do the cops have any clue as to who it is?" Matt asks.

"No. They tried tracing the number but they are using a VPN so it can't be tracked." I explain.

"At first we thought it was a fan just being rude but now we don't think it is since they've been threatened to kidnap Y/N" Woods says.

A knock at the front door cause me to jump slightly. I turn to see a man with a package at the door. I relax slightly as someone Kat goes to answer the door.

"I have a package for Matthias. I just need a signature for it" The delivery man says.

As Matt signs for the package, the delivery guy pulls out his phone and aims it towards me. The sound of the camera clicking causes  everyone to go quiet.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Woods asks pulling me behind him

"Excuse me?" The delivery person asks quickly his phone

"You're taking photos of my girlfriend" Woods growls protectively.

"No I'm not" the delivery person says.

"Yes you were. We all heard the camera click" Wood says.

"Woods, maybe he was just taking a picture of the package to make it as delivered" Kat says trying to break the tension.

My phone ringing pulls my attention away from what was going on. I look at it to see the police station was calling me. I press the phone to my ear

"Hello?" I say.

"Hello Ms. L/N we have an update on your stalker" The person the phone says

"Oh please tell me something good" I say in slight relief.

"We found out who it is. His name is Alex Carter. Turns out he does this to a lot of women" The person says. "We are tracking him at the moment and on our way to get pick him up for questioning."

"That's great!" I say happily.

"For your safety we are going to send you an image of this person. It's likely that's he's near you now" the person says.

After they get off the phone, I have a text come through with an image. I open it so see that that person in the image was the delivery driver.

"Woods" I say scared.

He looks at me before looking at my message. "That's him" He asks angrily. I nod. Woods glares at the delivery man at the door. He walks over to him grabbing him roughly and dragging him outside. "How fucking dare you!"

"Woods!" Matt yells.

I grab Matt's arm and shows him the picture I was sent. Matt pulls me protectively behind him. I watch from around Matt as Woods beats the man who had been stalking me for the past month.

"Woods!" Matt yells again as sirens could be heard.

Woods looks over letting go of Alex. He walks over to me. He picks me up allowing me to wrap my arms and legs around him. The police eventually arrive and arrest Alex. Woods glares at him until he was completely out of sight.

"If I see him again, I'll murder him" Woods mumbles.

"What he say to you?" I whisper.

"That you would be his one day" Woods answer quietly. "You're mine and only mine."

"So protective" I say giggling.

"Gotta protect what's mine" Woods says kissing me gently.

"I love you" I say to him.

"And I love you" He says back.

Project 863 x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now