Woods x Reader: Note Goodbye

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Woods was quitting. Hard to believe that the guy I had fallen so hard for was no longer going to be around. Sam and Bailey wanted to throw a going away party for Woods. They provided us with a giant card for everyone to write in. I waited till everyone wrote before I walked up to write my note.


Hearing that you are leaving spellbound hurts more. But not being able to see you hurt even more, especially since I've been keeping a secret from you. While you are someone I call my best friend, over the years have come to terms that I love you. I love you more than anything so please don't leave me.

Love always,


Tears spill down my cheeks as I set the pen down. I let Sam know I was going back to work until Woods was here. Eventually, she comes to get me. I walk seeing Woods talking to Matt. I stay towards the back of the group. Woods reads the card. As he reads each note the person who wrote it went up to stand next to him.

"Y/N you're next," Woods says.

I nod walking up to him. "Hey," i say softly.

"Hey," He says softly back before he starts to read my note. "Woods, Hearing that you are leaving spellbound hurts more. But not being able to see you hurt even more, especially since I've been keeping a secret from you. While you are someone I call my best friend, I over the years have come to terms that I-" He stops reading before looking over at me. "Y/N is this true?"

Tears fill my eyes. "I'm sorry, I can't-" I say before running out of the room.

"Y/N wait" Woods yells.

I run into the warehouse. I sob into my hands as footsteps come closer. Arm spin me around before hugging me tightly. Hands grab my face before lips press to mine. I knew I was Woods by his smell. I lean into him as I kiss back.

"I love you," Woods says pulling away.

"You do?" I ask.

"Yes, and I would have never left you behind. I would have picked you up and kidnapped you if I needed to" Woods picking me up and spinning me.

I giggle as I pull Woods into another kiss. "We should get back to the party" I whisper.

"In a little bit," Woods says pulling me into another kiss. "I just need to make sure I'm not dreaming"

"You're not dreaming," I say smiling. I pull Woods closer "I can prove you're not dreaming later," I say pressing kisses to his neck sucking slightly.

Woods groans slightly. "Oh, you naughty girl."

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