Wesley x Reader: Faked

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The fire alarm blared loudly causing me to jump. At first I would have just thought it was a test but when I heard the sound of panic running I knew it wasn't. I quickly grabbed what I could salvage in my bag before heading out of the building with everyone else. Once I was outside, I scanned the area for two people, Nelson and Wesley. My eyes comes in contact with Nelson but Wesley was no where in sight. I quickly run over to Nelson as my heart dropped.

"Nelsom where's Wes?" I asked quickly.

"He's not with you?" Nelsom questions.

"No..." I say before dropping my things.

I quickly run towards the burning building before a firefighter grabs me by my waist.

"Ma'am you can't go in there" The firefighter says to me.

"You don't understand my boyfriend is in there" I cry out.

"Ma'am we are searching the area currently, we'll find him if he's in the building soon" The firefighter informs me.

Tears stream down my face as Nelson walks to me. "Come on, we can wait together" Nelson says putting an arm around my shoulder pulling me from the burning building.

After a bit Nelson is pulled to the side to be spoken too. I didn't both to listen as I sat on the curb waiting for answer. Eventually Nelson walks back over towards me with a firefighter.

I stand up quickly "Did you find him?" I ask quickly.

Nelson looks at me upsetly before the firefighter holds out a majorly burnt lab coat to me. The name of on the nametag brought me to tears.

"No. No. This has to be a mistake." I say as I sob.

"I had them pull it off his body when they found him so you could have his coat" Nelson says to me.

I gently take the coat in my hands. Sobs wrack through my body as I drop to my knees. I press my face into the jacket as I cry out. Nelson clears the area before coming and sitting with me.

"Where is she?" I hear Deb say.

"Deborah don't" Nelson warns.

"It's all her fault! She's the reason he's dead" Deborah growls.

"Now how is this her fault Deb?" Nelson asks as he holds me tighter.

"He got trapped in his office because he was writing a stupid letter for his precious girlfriend" Deb says. "Always doing things for her that put him in danger."

"Deb this was something no one could control. Now go home" Nelsom growls.

Nelson waits until she leaves to help me to his car. Nelsom drove me home and even offered to stay with me for the night. I polietly declined his offer before closing my door and crawling into bed.

For weeks, I didn't leave this spot. Nelson had allowed me to take a few days to mourn before coming back into office. However the day I came back Nelson almost immediately pulled me into his office.

"I have a proposition for you" Nelson says to me.

"What's that?" I ask.

"Will you take over Wesley's spot in the company? You know his work better than anyonr" Nelson asks me.

"You want me to be Co-Owner?" I ask in slight shock.

"I know it's really soon but I would love to have you work by my side" Nelson says.

"What about Deb?" I asked. "She knows his work just as well as I do"

"I know but this is what he wanted" Nelson said.

"What?" I asked.

"When starting the company we knew the risks of something like this happening so we choose people who we would want to take over for us if something were to happen" Nelson explained.

"And Wesley choose me?" I asked.

"We both did actually" Nelson says pulling out the paper to show me. I run my finger over Wesley's signature before looking up at Nelson. "If it's too soon, I understand."

"No. If this is what he wanted then we will obey his wishes" I say smiling slightly.

"When you are ready too. I want you to move into his office." Nelson says holding a set of keys to me.

I nod thanking him before walking down the hall to Wesley's office. I open the door slowly. Wesley's office was always so tidy, he kept everything labeled and organized. I smile as I sniffle before running my hand over the desk.

"What do you think you doing?" I hear someone growl behind me.

I turn around to see Deb standing in the doorway. "Im just letting myself into my office." I say to her.

"Your office?" Deb scoffs. "You don't deserve this office. He's dead cause of you remember. You should have been the one to die"

"Deborah, that's no way to talk to my new partner." I hear Nelson say from down the hall.

"Partner?!" Deb screetches. "I was supposed to replace Wesley if something happened to him"

"You were until that was changed. Y/N is taking his place. She is most deserving of it with her hard work and she knoes Wesley's work better than anyone." Nelson says.

"She doesn't deserve it! She didn't deserve him in the first place yet he chose her. She doesn't deserve this office because she's the reason he's gone!" Deb yells.

"Enough!" Nelsom yells. "You will show her some respect and you will leave before you're fired."

Deb quickly leaves. I shakily sit down in the office chair as I started to cry. Nelson walks to me and pulls me into a hug.

"Go home. Take more time. Come back when you're ready. This will all be waiting for you" Nelson says.

I nod and take up his offer. I head home already drained from the hour I spent at work. When I get home I sets my things down. My head whips towards my bedroom where I could hear footsteps. I grab a bat I had hidden and walk towards the open bedroom door. A tall figure stood there with their back towarss me holding Wesley's lab coat.

"I don't know the fuck you think you are but put that down!" I scream. The man looks over his shoulder, I instantly recognized his face. "Wesley?" I sobbed dropping my bat.

I drop down to my knees as I stared at Wes. My mind wanted to say it was a dream until Wesley grabbed my hands.

"Oh Y/N im so sorry" Wesley says.

"They told me you died" I sobbed.

"I had to fake my death, Scott had plans against me. So faking my death was the only way I could get away so I knew I cohld have a future with you." Wesley explains.

"Deb she told it was my fault. She... she..." I sob harder.

"None of this was your fault" Wesley says as he pulls me into a hug.

I cling to him as I felt that if i let go he would disappear. I reach up and kisses his deeply which he returns quickly. Wesley was in my arms again and I sure as hell wasn't going to let him go again

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