Matt x Reader: My side or His - Part 1

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"Hey Y/N," My best friend, Matt, says walking into my office in Blue Base, 

"What's up?" I say looking up at him. 

He walks over and sets a file down on my desk. I look at it confused until I saw why he handed it to me. The name, Benjamin Cobalt was on the top of the file. 

"He's our phantom," Matt says. 

"My brother is your phantom? He has been missing for years" I say looking up at Matt. 

"Yeah. We are going to set up a meeting with him do you want to see him?" Matt asks me. 

"Please?" I say. 

"Cool. I'll let you know if he agrees to meet us" Matt says tapping my shoulder gently. 

I smile at him sweetly before he heads out of my office. I wait until he was out of earshot before I groan in frustration. I knew they would discover the phantom was my brother soon but I didn't think they would discover it so soon. I pulled out my phone to text my brother since I had been working alongside him. I didn't want to say that I was betraying my best friend but my brother had asked me to help him and family is the most important thing to me. 

Me: They know who you are

Ben: Do they know you're working with me? 

Me: No. They are going to be contacting you soon for a meeting 

Ben: Then I will see you later

I put my phone away and get back to work. 

Matt eventually come upstairs to let me know my brother agreed to meet with Matt and me. Then it was time to meet my brother. I walk out with Matt to the parking lot. My brother stood there in the middle of the parking lot. 

"Hello Sister," Ben says to me. 

"Benjamin," I say standing next to Matt. 

"It's nice to see you again," Ben says. 

"Again?" Matt says turning to me. "You told me your brother has been missing for years" 

"Is that what she told you?" Ben says before laughing slightly. 

"Y/N?" Matt asks looking at me. 

I scratch the back of my neck nervously "Okay so many I lied a little" I say. 

"A little?" Matt says angrily "Are you working with him?" 

"Matt, let's not do this," I say 

"Y/N," Matt says sternly. "Are you working with him?" 

"Yes okay, I am," I say. 

Matt takes a deep breath grabbing my arm harshly "You can make a decision right now, are you on my side or his" 

"Matt come on," I say tearing up.

"You have a choice. Him or Me" Matt growls. 

I stare at him in tears. My best friend was making me choose between him or my own brother. I back up to Ben. I look towards the ground as Ben wraps his arm around me. 

"I see how you feel" Matt growls. 

"How I feel? You are making me choose between you and my brother Matt! My own brother!" I say sobbing. "You know family is the most important thing to me!" 

"Clearly more important than your friends" Matt says "more important than your best friend"

"Are you serious?" I say. "Ben is the only family i have left!"

"We are your family Y/N!" Matt yells.

"Clearly not. Family wouldn't make me choose" I say.

"Family doesn't go behind each other backs" Matt says.

"Fine" I say tears spilling down my face. "You win. You won't have to deal with me anymore" I turn to Ben "where did you park?"

"Down the road to the left." Ben says handing me the keys.

I look at Matt one more time before I head through the parking lot. I get the car and climb inside. I quickly press my hands to my face sobbing into them.

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