Chapter 40 Over Hot Chocolate

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Jack's POV

What? She wasn't sure whether she wanted me to kiss her? It was either a yes or a no? Seeing Elsa cry was the one thing I was avoiding to happen. What's worse is I caused it. This never would have happened if Francis would just get out of the picture.

I just stood there stunned as she ran out of the bowling alley.

"Jack what did you do?" Zayn came up to me with everyone else following.

"I-uh." I didn't know if I should tell them what actually happened, the girls wouldn't understand.

"Jack." Anna came up to me followed by Kristoff cautiously. "As much as I would prefer you to be my brother-in-law but that position is currently filled for now and I don't want you to go break-up their relationship. It doesn't work that way."

I know that Anna. I can't tell her that, girl's got attitude. I have to say something. "When was the last time you actually saw your sister happy? When was the last time you saw her with Francis happy?" His name tastes so bitter in my mouth.

"She was happy when he left for that soccer game. No wait, she was sad." Jenna said.

Anna opened her mouth but then realized that I was right. "Your point being?"

Zayn looked at me and I scanned the eyes of the other guys which were focused on me and they were all telling me the same thing. Only Zayn had the guts to say it out loud. He tapped my shoulder.

"It's alright bro, it's time they know." I nodded at Zayn and to the boys.

"Know what exactly?" Rapunzel asked. Oh right, Flynn's here, clueless as a horse.

"We'll tell them. You can go after Elsa." Zayn said.

"Where do you think she went?" I asked.

"Probably home." Jenna answered. "And what is this thing that we need to know?" she asked Logan.

I began walking towards the door when Anna called up behind me.

"Hey Frost." She glared at me with two fingers - her pointer and middle finger - in front of her eyes then turned her wrist towards me then back. I just gave her a reassuring smile.


Third Person POV

Jack reached Elsa's house and found the gate and front door unlocked. On his way in he kept calling out her name. "Elsa! Elsa! Elsa!"

Elsa groaned and began to be upset again because Jack had come over when she wanted to be left alone and just avoid her problems and for the fact that she forgot to lock the gate and the front door. A bad way to let people know she just wanted to be alone. She shifted in her bed and turned her back at her bedroom door.

Meanwhile, Jack found his way up the stairs and knocked on her door. "Elsa? Elsa. Please, we need to talk. Talk to me." He just stared at her snowflake designed door. "No we don't." Elsa shot back from inside. "Yes we do and since you answered me, that means we're talking already." Elsa grunted loudly from inside and slowly got down from her bed. She tiptoed her way towards her bathroom to avoid hearing anymore noise from the boy he began to love. She sat inside the bathtub and let out a huge sigh. Even though the door was locked she could still hear his voice.

"Come out please Elsa." He waited for a reply. "I'm not leaving until you do." Elsa turned on the shower and just let the water mix with her tears so she won't have to feel them travel down her cheeks. She doesn't want to see anyone, especially Jack. She doesn't want to do anything. She just feels so weak and sad and confused. Not only is she crying but her heart is crying too. She put her phone on speaker mode but only loud enough for only her to hear. She played the song Torn Between Two Lovers by Mary MacGregor.

(Jelsa) Celebrity vs. OrdinaryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon