Chapter 55 Balls Are Stupid

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Elsa's POV

No one's heard of Francis since that night, I hope he got shipped to somewhere he can no longer hurt anyone. I can't believe I was so stupid for letting myself believe the things he said, letting myself believe it was all real. I hurt my sister for screaming at her, I hurt my friends for telling them I hate them. But that's the thing about regrets, we have to admit that we wanted and meant those things at the time.

The last few days I kept myself in the grounds of our house, I never stepped foot outside the gates. I wonder if the news has already spread? I haven't been on any social media accounts lately. I haven't even charged my phone until last night but I didn't turn it on. It doesn't hurt me, it's just annoying if people would ask questions. Anna woke me up today 'cause I wasn't able to set my alarm, because again, avoiding the phone.

That day when Jack sang to me, I felt every word. I knew he meant himself, but I just don't want to get hurt anymore. I understood what he was trying to say, I considered them but I had to be strong for myself. I threw my emotions out the door and I'm sticking to it. But when he turned to leave, watching his back on mine. A person turning away from me and walking away, leaving me. There was a tiny spark at that moment and I didn't like it so I ran inside the house and locked myself in my room hopefully I left that lightning bolt at the front porch.

It's silly to think that I could outrun lightning. No one could unless you're Barry Allen with godly superpowers. But I'm not. I think I managed to get away from it before it could cause further damage.

I've been so lost in my thoughts this morning that it's taken me almost an hour in the shower. Wouldn't want to be late for the first day of school for the second semester.

Anna was walking with me down the halls making sure I get to my room safely and untouched. I told her it wasn't necessary but she insisted. I'm so glad she'd forgiven me, she truly is the best sister. When we pass by people, others would stare or turn my way. If they knew about the news, what do I care? I don't need their pity. So I walked down the halls beside my loving sister with my head held high.

I spotted Jenna at her locker and stopped by to talk to her. I actually need to apologize for the way I acted that night and we hugged it out. Even though I didn't ask, either of them, but Jenna and Anna told me that no one has heard of Francis not even Kristoff. Apparently they're in this so-called "brotherhood" thing together?

"Look, guys, I'm fine," I assured them. I tried to smile but I failed. "Just no emotion. I feel nothing. Except love for those who matter to me like you guys."

"What about Jack?" Jenna asked.

"Irrelevant," I replied.

After class I spend a lot of time in the music room. Listening to the old records that the school has. They have these stuff for inspiration and research which I think is cool. And during the weekends when I have no homework I head to Piper's Garden. I always warn Anna not to follow me not let anyone follow me before I leave. I still have to let her and mother know where I'm going of course.

I bring a guitar to Piper's Garden and strum away all afternoon. I go to a different spot every time I visit because there's always a bit of a crowd. Tourists are coming in and it's not like I don't like them, but this used to be my place. But I'm also happy it could be someone's place also. Happy? Me? Ugh. This no emotion thing is really exhausting but if it means no more heartbreak and pain then I'm taking it.

Two months in and everyone's already talking about the Summer Ball. It's this student party where everyone has to get all dolled up and everyone goes with their date. I go with Francis every year but this year, I don't know.

"What are you wearing for the Summer Ball Els?" Jenna came up to my locker.

"Isn't it too early to talk about that?" I raised my eyebrow at her. "Besides, I don't think I'm going this year."

"Why not?" I could tell she realized as soon as she said it.

"I'm okay. You're right, we should talk about this since it's surprised me because you're not the kind of girl likes to go to dances." I smiled at her. "Who are you? And what did Logan do to you? Speaking of Logan, how are things with the two of you?"

"We're going great! I introduced him to mom and my sisters and they seem to like him so far." She said with a huge smile on her face. "The boys miss you, we all miss the gang together."

"We're already a 'gang' in that short span of time we knew each other." I crossed my arms as I lean on my locker.

"I think it was fate, or destiny, either way I've never had so much fun on a semestrial break before." She said happily.

"Yeah." I said weakly. "Too bad it ended badly." The memories came flooding in again. And I see them differently now, how everyone acted around me. They all knew and said nothing.

"They're really sorry Els, truly. They even tried to bake you a cake but that didn't go well." She smiled at me.

"What?" I asked surprised.

Jenna took out her phone and showed me photos of the boys in aprons. In the first few photos their aprons were clean but the further I went in the album to worse they looked like. Harry was mixing the batter then Dan took out the mixing machine in the next photo. Jenna even got a video of them when they turned on the mixing machine. Zayn said it needed to mix faster so they pressed number three and everything just flew out of the bowl and on to their faces.

"I knew everything was going to go wrong when they took out the mixing machine." Jenna said while laughing.

They somehow finished the cake but it was burned and crispy and they still put on icing all over it and I think attempted to draw my face on the cake but I'm not so sure. By the end of the gallery I hadn't realized that I was laughing. Then I cleared my throat to straighten my face and Jenna noticed that.

"Don't do that Els, laugh, you have to laugh. It's the best part of you. Well one of them at least." Jenna said carefully.

"I can't Jen, emotions means getting hurt and I don't want that anymore." I said.

She dropped the subject and I'm glad she did. She showed me one more video before she let me off the hook. It was the band with Kristoff after they baked their cake.

"We're sorry Elsa!" they all said together in the video. They took turns in the screen and made really wacky faces. Jack was the last one to appear and I felt my muscles by my lips lift so I quickly gave Jenna her phone back.

"That's enough," I said to her and I left without another word. Luckily she didn't follow me nor insist on the subject.


It's a short chapter but and you waited for almost a month, for that I truly am sorry. I'm going to finish the story in my drafts on my laptop and as I progress I'll keep updating this book chapter by chapter. That's actually what I've been doing for a couple of months now. This story is not dead and I am surely going to finish this. So please don't give up on this book. We're closer to the end than you think. ;)

See you soon my blizzard! :*

(Jelsa) Celebrity vs. OrdinaryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu