Chapter 27 Young Anna and Elsa

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Jack’s POV

This mansion is so cool. It looks old from the outside, but it actually has a mini studio inside. Like what professionals use to record hit albums. We just finished recording ‘Catastrophe’. It was fun, it’s always fun working with the guys. We’re lucky enough to have Manny as our manager and letting us use his resources. I can’t even imagine how rich their family is.

“You did well boys, you can take the day off,” Manny said.

“Yes!” Dan said excitedly.

“But not a second off from writing another song,” Manny reminded then he left the room.

“Let’s take a break and plan later for the Elsa thing,” Zayn said.

They all left the room and I stayed for a while. Then I realized it feels so closed in here so I left. I walked down the halls silently and I found a piano in one room. Before sitting down I decided to open a window closest to the instrument.

I laid my hands on the keys, closed my eyes, I took a deep breath, breathing the fresh late morning air into my lungs. Then my fingers ran over the keys, it danced its way through random notes that sounded quite beautiful but sad.

I remembered what I said to Elsa, the mistake I said where Francis loves her and he has great plans for her. It was true he had plans, huge ones, but not at all great. And it wasn’t true that he loves her.

I recall that I told her she would make a beautiful queen. She’d be the most beautiful queen in the entire world. In my world. But wait, the queen just kissed me yesterday. What a kiss it was even if it was just on the forehead it was great. Here comes the butterflies.

What I said to her before I left, "You know I feel a bit jealous with Francis because he is being loved by you. I wish that were me.” I am jealous, I feel like a gay when I admit it to myself. I wonder if she heard the last part. I can’t believe I just confessed to Elsa. Well it wasn’t entirely how I felt, but it was close. Did I just open the door of awkwardness for the both of us?

“That’s quite a sad melody you got there.”

I stopped playing and opened my eyes to see Virgo. He always creeps up on me, I wonder if he does that to the others too? How did Manny’s life work?

“You need to let her know how you feel,” he said.

“I kind of did last night. I told her I was jealous of her boyfriend and I wish I were him.”

“You need to show her.”

“How? I may have just made things awkward for the both of us.”

“This girl, what is her name?”

“Elsa Arendale.”

“Ahhh… Elsa, the little girl with the golden voice.”

“You know her?”

“Son, don’t you think that’s a stupid question? I live blocks from her.”

“Right.” He could have just slapped me behind my head right then and there.

“How’d you know she sings?”


Third person POV guys.

Elsa was running around with her sister Anna, they were playing with a small ball that had snowflake designs. It was rolling on the sidewalk until it stopped on someone’s feet. When Elsa and Anna looked up they saw an old man with a couple of white hair on his head that's tucked under a hat. Anna took cover behind Elsa.

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