Chapter 56 Decisions Decisions

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Elsa's POV

I can't believe I'm back here again, after months of staying away from people. I'm standing in front of the big double doors, admiring the lion head at the middle of each door. A soft breeze flew by and brought with it the scent of memories. The dreams that began in these floors, the laughter, the joy, our childhood, my childhood. I take a deep breath and push one door open. They're waiting for me in one of the living rooms. All heads turn to me when I walk in. I look at their faces one by one, Jenna is here, so is Anna and Kristoff, and the band. Well except for one member. I asked Jenna to let the others know I was coming but I made sure he wasn't around when I came. I'm not ready to see him again, not yet, maybe not ever. I cleared my throat before speaking.

"So I um...uh...I saw your video." I give a slight smile. "Jenna showed it to me, and thanks for the cake." I laugh a bit.

"Sorry we burned it," Dan said.

"No, no! It was lovely." I said reassuringly.

"We really are sorry Elsa," Harry said.

"If we just told you sooner, things would have been different," Zayn said.

"Maybe. But guys, I'm not here to talk about that, well I don't want to talk about that." I said.

"Please forgive us Elsa," Logan asked.

I took a moment before speaking again.

"I know you're all very sorry, and none of it was your fault. Well kind of, but seeing your effort on the video, and the cake. I guess I could forgive you."

Harry jumped off the sofa first and ran towards me screaming with joy and the other boys followed. They lifted me up for a quick moment and easily set me down when Virgo enters to the room. As soon as he sees me he immediately asks for a word. I follow him to the room where Anna and I used to perform, and this is also the room where Jack and I confessed.

"You look pale," concern etched on his face. "And you lost weight."

Food barely excites me these past few weeks, I just like to sleep and read books then sleep again.

"He comes in this room very often and we all know what's in his mind so we give him his space." Virgo wheels towards me. It feels like it's been so long ago when we sang here. I have this feeling deep in my gut that if I close my eyes even just for a moment I'd be back to that moment where he poured his feelings towards me and I wouldn't be able to escape.

"He regrets not telling you sooner. It would have been easier if you just knew. But then you never would have gotten to know each other, never would have known the band much better."

He took my hand in his. "Child, I see the way you glow when he's around. You smile so brightly, your laughter fills the room with energy. Everyone can see it. I know you're still upset about Francis but we all want you to be happy. Take your time, live, have fun, don't miss out. We all care for you."

"Thanks Virgo." It was all I could say without breaking down again. "I should go before he gets back."

I pull my hand from his gentle touch and began to step out of his way.

"Elsa," I turned around "go to the ball. Prove to yourself that you've become a better version of Elsa."

I give him a slight smile. "I'll think about it. And I'll work on those fun things too."

Weeks pass by and I find myself fiddling with my guitar. My room is a mess and I seem to be out of words but to my surprise I'm satisfied. I told Anna last night that Logan finally asked Jenna to the dance and obviously she said yes. She was all giddy and excited until she blurted out that she can't wait to take pictures of us in our dresses with our dates. She realized her mistake but I was working on being better so I just smiled at her.

"I haven't decided whether I should go or not, and don't try to talk me into it. I want to be fully responsible for my decision." I told her before scooping up my ice cream with my spoon.

"But Els, it's going to be a magical night! With the lights, and the glitters, and the music."

"You like those things." I pointed my chocolate licked spoon at my sister.

"Yeah but you liked those things too."

"LIKED." I pointed out for her.

"C'mon Els, it's only for one night and you don't get to attend these kinds of balls after completing school." She hugged a pillow tight to her chest.

"I still don't know." But there is something I want to know. "How- How is he?" He hasn't come over to our house since the day he sang to me. I keep expecting him to pop up somewhere. He doesn't know that I'm fully aware that he follows me around, carefully watching me from a far that's why I always come home upset. I don't acknowledge his presence because I want peace, not an argument. And besides, he never bothers me. He just seems to watch over me, which - sarcastically speaking - isn't creepy at all but at the same time it puts me at ease. There's just something about him that I feel more safe knowing he's around even though I'm still upset with him.

Night of the ball came and I still haven't decided, but I am in my PJs and they feel so comfortable. I don't think I'll be trading them for an uncomfortable dress and feet killing heels.


Sorry for this painful cliff hanger but you're just gonna have to wait.

See you soon my blizzard! :*

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