Chapter 62 Celebrity vs. Ordinary

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Third Person POV

Elsa wakes up to the scent of burnt bread and laughing noises in the distance. She rolls over and is met with the deepest ocean blue eyes she's ever seen. A blush quickly burns on her cheeks and he smiles even wider with her reaction. His hair is a mess and his arm is bend under to support his head.

"Good morning," he beams. Elsa sits up on the mattress they slept on. When did she ever get to the mattress? She was sure she fell asleep on the couch.

"Thought you back would prefer the mattress than the couch." He moves to lie flat on his back with his arms over his head. She rubs sleep from her eyes and recalled the events of last night. Turning to him she finds his smile is infectious.

"Good morning boyfriend, or do you want to be called Darling?" She cringes at the endearment and he laughs hysterically.

"Get up sleepy heads!" Jenna barges into the room nursing a cup of coffee. Her hair is a tangled mess and Logan comes up behind her, gives her a quick kiss at the side of her head and wrap his arms around her waist. "If you don't hurry you're going to be late."

"Late for what?" What are they talking about? She has nothing planned for today. Rest was the only thing on her agenda.

Jenna nods to Jack's direction, "Lover boy here says he's got to take you somewhere." Elsa turns to face Jack but he's already up and Lenna left the room. She lifts her arms towards him and he pulls her hands up to get her on her feet. Without warning he kissed her forehead and touched it with his.

"Eat breakfast, get changed, we're leaving in two hours."

She can't believe Jack is waiting downstairs in their living room. He skipped breakfast to get ready and when she finished her waffles he was already fresh and combed. Having no idea where they're going she opted for a white dress with tiny patterns and white converse. Keeping it classy and casual.

Elsa felt the car come to a stop, she doesn't know where they are because Jack made her wear a blindfold. Her door opens and cool hands hold hers, taking careful steps because she is practically blind until she stands on her two feet. She's then slowly dragged forward until she feels her eye mask is being removed. Hands land on her shoulders and adjusting to the light she first finds an old building with lots of windows. Looking up it says it's St. Petersburg, it's familiar but she can't put her finger on it.

Jack takes her hand and they walk up the steps and through a long hallway. Faint laughter and noise by kids filter through the walls. A familiar looking lady in a purple dress stand in front of them. Miss Melissa, Elsa thought to herself. Which means-

"Jack! You're back!" A familiar voice comes from the open door at her left. She turns to find a little boy with dark brown hair wearing a worn out Superman t-shirt. Jeremy turns to look at the girl standing with Jack and the most heart-warming smile formed on his face. "Elsa!" he runs up to her his little arms open wide, she bends down to meet his hug. "You're finally here." He nestles his face to her neck.

"Hey kiddo, I missed you." They pull from the hug and she's doing her best not to let tears show. Kids really have great memory. "What do you mean Jack's back?" Elsa asked holding him at his arms length.

"He came to visit last week, and a few days before that." He says happily turning to look at Jack. It was Elsa's turn to look at him in utter surprise. Jeremy turns his attention back to her. "He said you couldn't come because you were sick here." He pointed to her chest, just a little over to her left. Her heart. "But he said if we study hard enough and train well to become better soldiers you could hear our efforts and be healed." He smiled brightly and Elsa felt a tear down her face. She quickly wiped it off with her hand. "What's wrong?" Jeremy's face turned sad. "Are you still sick?" Elsa takes a deep breath before looking him in the eye once more.

(Jelsa) Celebrity vs. OrdinaryWhere stories live. Discover now