Chapter 9 Talk On The Phone

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Francis' POV
"Great game guys!" I said as I tapped the backs of my friends.

I wonder what Elsa's doing right now. I checked my phone and saw I had a message from Elsa.

Elsa: Hey babe I'm going to hang out with Jack this afternoon. He's part of the band from last night. Don't worry, he knows we're together. Love you babe! :*

Who is this guy? Hanging out with my girl?

I decided to call her. I wonder where they are now. I have to keep my cool.

*phone dials*

Elsa: Hey babe! How's the game?
Me: Hey. It's good. We're going to play for semi-finals later.
Elsa: Great! That's gre-
Me: Where are you? And who's Jack?
Elsa: Oh we're at Piper's Garden. Jack is one of the band members.
Me: Why would you hang out with someone you just met?
Elsa: Perhaps you've forgotten I'm a friendly person and a risk-taker. We hanged out last night after the party. It was so amazing I sang in front-
Me: Where is he now?

Elsa: He's here.

Me: Give him the phone please.

Elsa: Uh, okay.

I heard the phone being given to another person. "He wants to speak with you" Elsa said.

Jack: Hello?

Me: Yes. Jack, it's Francis. Listen, I don't like you hanging out with my girlfriend, but then again she'll do it anyway. She's just so hardheaded. Now I don't want you flirting with her. And stay 1 mile away from her! Did you get that?

Jack: Yeah. No problem. She's not my type anyway. I just wanted someone to show me around.

Then why does it have to be Elsa? "Francis! The game's starting!"

Me: Urgh. I have to go. I'll talk to you when I get back tomorrow. Mark my words Jack. If you lay a hand on my girl nor look at her with googly eyes you're dead.

Jack: Understood.

The call ended and I ran back to the field.

Jack's POV

I gave Elsa's phone back.

"So he's the jealous type." I said.

"You could say that." Elsa said.

"So that's why you're doing this to make him jealous?"

"No. I'm doing this because I want to and it has nothing to do with him."

"Oh kay."

"What'd he tell you?"

"To stay 1 mile away from you. How's that gonna work when I'm driving?"

"You know you're stupid right?"

"Yeah, that's why girls dig me."

She snorted. "What else did he say?"

"That we'd talk tomorrow."

"Mhmm... He's gonna kick your ass."

I looked at her with one of my eyebrows raised.

"Challenge accepted."

"Let's go."

We walked to the car and got in then I drove off.

"Where to?" I asked.

"You promised me a snack right?"

"Yeah but it's 2:30pm."

"Which is why we're headed there now. It takes about 30 minutes to get there."

"Where exactly?"

"You'll see."

We drove through the road and passed through a bridge. We drove around and it looked like we were getting farther from the city. Where is this place? She's not taking me to a mob house is she? Then her guy friends would beat me up. Does she even have guy friends? Hey Jack, you're in a car with a person you just met last night. I know. Isn't it great? No. It's ridiculous. Yet thrilling. What? I should stop talking to myself and put on some music.

I turned the radio on but it seems like it can't pick up a signal. So I just selected a song from the list that's inside the stereo of the car. I chose Rude by Magic. (Like duh. Why wouldn't this be in the story?) 

"I love this song!" Elsa said. "It's my jam."

"Me too."

We sang along to the song as we were driving.

"Make a left here" Elsa said.

It was a parking lot and there were a couple of cars parked. Where are we? I parked the car then turned off the radio and the engine. Elsa got off and I followed her.

"C'mon." Elsa said as she started walking towards a brown-caramel-ish wall. It looked pretty old. The only way through was an arc shaped path with no doors. What is with this Island and arcs?

We walked through it and I saw what was at the other side. There were flowers, swings, a playground for kids, and benches. But what really caught my eye was a wide, stone and rock pathway leading to something I can't see.

I looked beside me and Elsa was a few feet away giving some guy money.

"Jack! Get over here." Elsa said. She was holding one bike and getting on it. "I rented two bikes, one for me and one for you."

I stared at her.

"Just get on one." She said.


"Let's go. Just follow the path way."

I got on a bike and followed her. Wow. The path way was really amazing. On the right side were short grass and some people were having a picnic and kids were running around. It had many play grounds and swing sets. On the right were trees at the edge of the soil lining up following the path. And beyond the trees was a lake. Some were fishing but at a farther distance.

"Where's the booth for fishing?" I asked as we were riding our bikes.

"Oh you can't find it here. It's in another area. You'll need to pass somewhere else. They don't allow fishing here because this plce is for picnics and fishes stink so they don't mix it together."

We kept riding our bicycles watching people with huge smiles on their faces, even couples making out. Then I saw something colorful up ahead.


Sorry this chapter took so long. I was having a hard time thinking of a story before I would get to my main plan for the story. Well this turned out cute. I wish this would happen to me in real life.

I hope you liked this chapter.

Thank you so much for the 100 reads!!!! And the 9 stars! :3

Here's some Egg pies! swallow them!

Now I gotta clean my puppy Baby Bubbles.

(Jelsa) Celebrity vs. OrdinaryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora