Chapter 13 Wet and Colorful

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Elsa's POV

"Turn a left here" Nikka told Harry.

"We're here!" Kris said excitedly.

"Boys, welcome to Lake Parker" I said calmly.

"So where's spiderman? It's named after him right? Peter PARKER. Get it?" Dan said.

We all just looked at each other agreeing that it was completely corny.

We got off the car and settled outside.

Jack's POV

I watched Elsa walk over to a person by the lake and then she signaled us to go over there. On our way I noticed a little store that was selling clothes. I wonder how much income the person gets, considering not a lot of people come to the lake. He should be in the mall selling. Hmm... Maybe he can't afford a place in the mall?

"So we can't all fit in one boat, we'd have to take two boats." Elsa said.

"Are we going fishing?" Dan asked.

"Not exactly. We can fish but we return the fishes back to the lake" Nikka addressed to us all.

"And we can feed the fishes!" Kris said.

"So we'll have five on one boat and four on the other" I said.

"I'll go with Elsa!" Jenna said raising her hand.

"Yeah I'll go with them too" Logan said I caught him looking at Jenna's direction.

"Harry and I will stick together" Dan patted Harry's shoulder. "I love you bro" he said as he motioned to kiss Harry on the cheek.

 "Us too" Kris said holding on to Nikka.

"I'll go with-" before I could finish Zayn cut me off.

"I'm with Elsa, Jenna, and Logan" he said as he walked up to them.

I was going to say that, then I saw the look in his eyes like telling me this is for the best I don't want you falling for her. So I just nodded. "Looks like I'm with you guys!" I smiled to the direction of Kris and Nikka.

We went over to our separate boats. We helped the girls get on first and I turned my head to the direction of Elsa's boat and Zayn was helping her get on holding her hand. Oh hush now Jack, she has a boyfriend, you don't stand a chance and Zayn is helping you get through it. Wait. Do I even like her like her?

I got on and I was settled beside Kris. The watcher, the person Elsa was talking to when we got here pushed our boats in to the lake. "Wait, which direction do we go?" I asked the man.

He looked at me with confusion.

"No where Jack, it's a lake, it's round" Kris told me.

I felt like face-palming myself. Too stupid for that and I didn't even bother to notice.

"Let's just let our boats float near each other" Nikka told the other team.

"Alright" Jenna said.

Zayn and Logan slowly paddled towards our boat then we paddled following the corners of the lake. Our boat paddlers were Harry and Dan. They are enjoying their paddling experience.

We paddled on and I'm bothered seeing from the corner of my eye that Elsa's with Zayn. I wonder what they're talking about. From this side of the team, it looks like their boat is for lovers because Logan and Jenna are hitting it off.

Our boats may be close to each other but not close enough to hear their conversations. All I can see from here is Zayn's holding Elsa's hand again. They seem to be talking about a ring. Hmm... Must be a family ring from her grandmother or something. I could give you rings Elsa, they'd be gifts from me. Jewelries all you want.

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