Chapter 51 Surprise!

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Elsa woke up the following morning to the beeping of her phone. It was a reminder saying "Francis' Party". She smiled brightly feeling excited. She jumped off the bed and brushed her hair before heading to the bathroom. Though Francis never officially invited her to the party this year, but he did say earlier in their relationship that she's invited every year. So she thought it'd be nice to surprise him this afternoon.

It's a family reunion that's held in The Grand Hotel every year. It's open to everyone who wants to go, but of course there's no public notice. So the only people who attend are the only ones who knew about it. Most of the family members who live close to the town would travel a day early to help out with the preparations. It's part of their tradition to not hire people for the decorations. Plus, it's a great way to mingle a day earlier for the event.

"Hey sis," Elsa walked up to Anna who was sitting comfortably on the couch with Bubbles on her lap. "Do you think I should put my hair up? Or should it be down? Or half-up? Perhaps have it curled?"

"What's the occasion?" Anna asked putting a marshmallow in her mouth.

"Francis' party this afternoon at three. You should come."

"What party?"

"You know, the one that happens every year."

"Really?" She swallowed another marshmallow. "Where's it gonna be?"

"At The Grand Hotel."

"Hmm...You should curl it."

"Alrighty." Elsa turned her back at her sister.

"What are you gonna wear?"

"You'll see."

Elsa already had a dress prepared since last month. She was too excited for the party this year as it was closing in on their anniversary. While Elsa was busy curling her hair in her room and slightly burning her face and fingers in the process, Anna was making calls.

"Sis! I'm going out for a sec! I'm meeting with Kristoff!" Anna yelled from the living room.

"Sure! Ow!" Elsa cried from her room as the hair curler iron touched her face again.

The moment Anna stepped outside the gates, she ran as fast as she could to Virgo's mansion. When she reached the gates Kristoff was already standing outside but she ran pass him and went straight to the boys in the terrace.

"Hey, Anna. What's the sitch?" Harry said.

"Take a breath Anna." Jenna said.

As Anna was trying to catch her breath, she wondered if Jenna ever goes home. She seems to be at Logan's side almost all the time. Maybe she lives in the mansion now. What are her parents thinking? What is Anna thinking?

"Right." Anna was still panting. "Elsa." Pants. Jack's eyes widened and went closer to her.

"What about her?" Jack asked.

Anna stood straight, took a deep breath and gulped.

"She said there's this party that Francis' family holds every year and she's planning to go. This afternoon at three."

"The reunion. How could I forget about that." Kristoff finally caught up to the terrace.

"You knew about it and you didn't tell us?" Anna scolded Kristoff.

"Sorry. I just forgot okay? He didn't invite me this year so it wasn't on my mind. He usually invites all the brothers. Something's up."


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