Chapter 4 Meet Jack and His Thoughts

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Jack's POV (ooohh...)

Hello readers, I'm Jack Frost, 20, and I play the paino. This girl, Elsa, she's really something, she amazes me with her voice. There's something about her that attracts me to her. Like a magnet. I don't like her like her, we've just met.

So I asked for her contact, 'cause I know I'm gonna need it. I know she has a boyfriend and I have no plan in breaking them up. I just want to know her.

She has this aura, it's different yet familiar. It's deep, and it's warm with a hint of cold.

"Let's go somewhere" I said to everyone. "Or you guys want to head home already? I understand, it's almost daybreak."

Elsa looked at her friends, they seem to be agreeing.

"We're game" Elsa said.

"Guys?" I faced the band.

"Let's go!" They all said.

"Now where's the best spot for watching the sunrise here at Dreamworks?" I asked.

"The beach" one of Elsa's friends said. I think he's Clent.

"What are we going to ride?" Jen asked.

"Not a problem ladies and gents, we have a van!" Harry said. "Well technically it's a borrowed van and not in our names but that's what makes it more thrilling right?"

We all said "yeah!"

We went out and hopped in the van.

Elsa's POV

Stealing, oh borrowing a van without asking. Yes! So exciting. So Harry drove, in the front seat beside him was Clent and Keith. At the back was Logan, Jen, Kris, Nikka and Dave. At the middle was Dan, Zayn, me, and then Jack.

We were practically squeezing our asses together. Why was I the only one separated from my friends? No time to change that, we drove off.

Clent gave Harry the directions to the beach and when we got there it was a relief to be out and free. Free from the asses squeezed. Yepp. Felt good.

I sat on the white sand, farther from the reach of the waves. Because I wore sneakers. Then Jen sat a few meters from me. And Logan sat beside Jen. I wonder what they're talking about. Just must be red as a tomato by now.

The rest of the company sat together. Except for Jack because he chose to sit by me.

Jack's POV

I decided to sit by Elsa and talk to her.

"Amazing view" I said. It really was. How the horizon and the colors meet.

I heard Elsa let out a huge sigh. I looked at her and she just stared at the horizon.

"What with the loud sigh?" I asked.

"I miss him" she said.



Wow, she must be in love with this guy.

"I mean, yeah he'll be back in a few days but I wish it were him I'm with right now" she said.

"Well we can't do anything about that right? There'll be a bunch more chance for you two to watch the sunrise. But all you've got is me. And your friends. But mostly me 'cause I'm the only one beside you."

She didn't react. I looked at Jenna and Logan, they seem to have a fun conversation.

"She convinced me to watch the band" Elsa said. I didn't notice she followed my gaze.

"She was hoping she'd meet a guy who's part of the band and make him her boyfriend. She's just like that. Hahaha. Practical Jenna."

"Oh. Well I was born here." I said.

"Huh?" Elsa looked at me puzzled.

"Yeah this is my moms hometown. She was visiting my grandparents when she was pregnant with me and they thought I was coming in another week but I came early. She was rushed to the hospital, my dad was away at a business trip and couldn't come to my mom. She didn't die though which is great." I gave her an assuring smile. "And I'm not mad at my dad."

Elsa's POV

Luckily no one died, I hate dying stories.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked Jack.

"I don't know, to strike a conversation I guess."

"It was a really deep one" I smiled.

"Deeper than the deep blue sea?" He smiled back.


"Deeper than the hole of the volcano?"


"Deeper than Jackie Chan's wood whole when he kicks it?"

"What? Hahaha!"

We both laughed.

"Jack Frost, you are something." I said still laughing.


Nothing lovey dovey for now. But I do want to tell you the story about Logan and Jenna's conversation. Ooooohhhh...

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