Chapter 11 Afternoon to Midnight

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Elsa's POV

We got to Toni's and we parked at the parking lot and I got off the car and Jack followed me. We headed to the door and went to the counter. I order the Cheeseburger and Fries with Tomato Ketchup dip and Jack ordered the Cheeseburger as well as the fries and Cheese dip for himself. We both got soda also. I put my hand in my pocket but then Jack stopped me and said he'll pay for it so I let him. They told us that the food will be served and and so we took a seat by the window. Well the place had glass walls so they're all windows.

"Gosh I love this place, I've been coming here since the 3rd grade" I said.

Jack just smiled at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. You look pretty when you smile" he said.

I blushed. "Don't we all?" I asked.

"Some don't"

I looked at him confused. Then the waiter brought our food and left.

"Wow. These fries are huge" Jack said.

"I know" I said.

He took an entire piece, dipped it in his Cheese dip and put it into his mouth. "And it tastes like heaven!"

"You've died?"


"You've been to heaven? Wait. You can eat heaven?"

He gave me a sarcastic look and put a piece of fried potato into my mouth. "Just eat your food young lady. It's a blessing from up above." He then unwrapped his cheese burger and took a bite of it. His eyes widened and looked at me. Then he raised his hand and had 3 fingers up and mouthed 'perfect'.

I took a bite of my burger and laughed and just laughed at him.

We ate in silence and I just enjoyed watching Jack being all goofy every time he puts something in his mouth. Either it be the cheese burger or the fries.

"It's like you've never had these things before." I said while trying not to gag.

"They're just so good" he said.

"Don't you have cheese burgers and fries from where you're from?"

"Disney. We have cheese burgers and fries, but not Toni's."

"I never knew the island beside us was called 'Disney'. What's with all the D's?"

"Well I believe it was named after uhh.." his attention drifted to the cheese burger in his hand then he took a huge bite and said with his mouth full, "well I never really paid attention to history class."

I took a bite off my cheese burger then my phone beeped. It was a message from Dad.

Dad: Bubbles is missing. We've been looking for her all afternoon but no sign of him. We believe someone has picked her up by the streets.

Me: Well keep looking! She's just there I'm sure of it.

"Urgh! Bubbles is missing" I said.

"Who?" Jack asked.

"My puppy given by Francis. They said she's missing and they've been looking everywhere for her." I forced myself not to cry. It's bad to cry in front of food. "They better find her." Then I took a huge bite off my cheese burger.

"Yeah I'm sure she'll be found. Here have some fries." Jack lifted a piece in front of me then I picked it from his hand.

"Thanks" then we kept eating.

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