Chapter 52 She's having a BF

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"Elsa," Francis got down the stage. "What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here? I'm your girlfriend remember?" Elsa didn't know what to feel. Sadness, or anger, she couldn't decide.

"Now's not a good time." Francis whispered to her.

"Girlfriend!" Astrid screamed from behind Francis. "You said you broke up with her."

"You told everyone we were broken up?" Her feelings were bending to the side of anger. "You told them I begged you?" Almost there. "Why? Why Francis? I just don't get it."

"Because he's a lying, manipulative, self-centered jerk." All heads turned to the voice and the lights went up revealing Jenna standing beyond the crowd.

"Jen, how did you-" Elsa shook her head because that wasn't important right now. She turned to face Francis again but she was lost. She didn't know which question to ask. "What was I to you?"

"You were a bet Els." Elsa knew exactly who's voice it was, which was why she turned around slowly as she hoped it was all a dream. But she met them, those blue eyes. But they were different today, they were sad.

"What?" Elsa asked very slowly like she couldn't decipher what she heard. She kept her eyes on his but they suddenly went cold as ice and glared at the man behind her.

"Tell her Francis," Jack dared him. When Elsa turned again to Francis, his eyes glared back at Jack. "Fine," Jack took a deep sigh before speaking again.

"You were a bet Elsa." Jack's eyes went soft again as he slowly walked towards Elsa. "I overheard him with the other guys when I went to look for him the night we were at the Bumper Cars place." Jack's eyes would turn from soft every time he looks at Elsa to cold when he looks at Francis. "He went missing because he was meeting up with the guys to get his pay. 300 for every month he's been with you. Why you wonder? Because he's a social climber. He dates rich girls, butter them up to give him riches in any form. Astrid is his biggest goal at the moment. She's rich, with high standards. And Francis doesn't have a job, so he needs money to reach the standards. That's why he took the bet." Jack was now standing in front of Elsa with his soft blue eyes.

"You told them?" Francis called out to Kristoff who was standing next to Anna. Kristoff was as mad as the others with his arms crossed glaring at Francis.

Elsa's eyes never left Jack's, but hers was not warm. They were full of rage. And with a swift move, a loud slap echoed around the room. A faint gasp was even heard from the audience, everyone was gathered to witness the surprising scene.

Jack couldn't face her now even though he saw that coming. He knew she'd hate her for it, but there was no right time before.

"I'm sorry," Jack said softly still not making eye contact.

"You knew." Elsa's eyes threatened to water. "You knew and you didn't tell me."

"If we told you, would you have believed us?" Jenna said and Elsa fell silent for a moment.

"I had my suspicions," Elsa spoke again as soon as she held back the tears. "But I refused to believe them. But if you would have told me...then maybe I would have..."

"We're sorry, we should have told you sooner." Anna took a step forward.

That's when Elsa took notice that the band was in there too, with sorry faces. They were all wearing clothes appropriate for the party. Anna told them, Anna told them she was attending the party and they knew Elsa was going to find out now.

"You knew." Elsa looked at her friends who can barely look her in the eye. "All of you knew and didn't bother to tell me nor give me any hints. You were my friends! I trusted you!" Elsa screamed the last part.

"And you," Elsa turned to Francis. "I was nothing to you but a toy to get your money, to get your girl." Elsa snickered at Astrid. "You heartless jerk!" Elsa pushed Francis towards the chocolate fountain near the stage and punched his chest hard. "Where is your humanity!" Elsa screamed as she was throwing her weak arms at a man whom she thinks isn't even human. Then she felt someone pull her away from Francis. Astrid came running to Francis' aid and Elsa found a glass filled with ice and without a second thought she took it. She dumped the ice at the back of Astrid inside her gown and took delight as she watched the witch in brown squirming and screaming.

When Francis finally sat up and looked at Elsa she threw the plastic glass at his face, she missed but it still felt good to throw things.

"Els, stop it." Anna came up to her.

"Shut up Anna!" Elsa turned to face her. "You're supposed to be my sister and you didn't even bother to tell me!" Elsa screamed at her sister's face. "I hate you!" Anna began to cry but Elsa just looked at her like she doesn't even know her. Kristoff walked up to take Anna away and comfort her.

Francis finally got back on his feet and Elsa turned towards his direction. Two boys immediately stood at his sides to defend him.

"It all makes sense now." Elsa shook her head keeping herself calm. "Your distance, how quickly you turned cold in our relationship. When I called and I heard loud music in the background, you were at a party with her." Elsa gestured towards Astrid. "They congratulated you because she finally gave you a chance. The night of the pageant where you didn't show, you were with her. Weren't you?" Francis only looked down. Then Elsa's expression changed as she realized something again. "That's how long you guys knew?" Elsa gave them a disgusted look before facing Francis again.

"I was nothing to you. You never felt anything for me. You never cared."

"For a moment I did." To Elsa's surprise Francis decided to speak up. "I cared for you baby."

"Don't baby me."

"Baby?!" Astrid screamed in the background but Elsa simply ignored her and seems like Francis is too.

"For months, all I did was love you and this is how you treat me?" Elsa snickered, "How stupid of me, to think I was the only flower in your garden." No one said a word for a second. "You know what, F--- you! Have a nice life with her."

Elsa turned around and the crowd simply made way for her.

"Nobody follow me!" Elsa screamed addressing her so-called friends before storming off.

"Francis, we have a lot to talk about." His mother walked up to him.

The host spoke up through the speakers to break the silence but barely anyone was listening to him. The band and the others finally came back to their senses. Anna was still weeping in Kristoff's arms. Jenna was hugging her self with Logan's hands on her shoulders.

"You did the right thing Jack." Zayn came up to Jack.

"Girl can give a slap." Harry said with lesser humor.

"I have to find her." Jack said ignoring the things his friends said.

"We'll head to the mansion. Let us know when you find her." Zayn said.

Without another word Jack ran out of the hotel and took a cab towards nowhere. He didn't know where to look so he asked the driver to just drive until they see a platinum blonde hair in a blue dress.


If you haven't seen White Chicks then you won't probably get the title of this chapter.

It's "She's having a Bitch Fit"

Where could Elsa be hiding?

It's finally revealed! Elsa finally knows and we saw it coming but with more tears. But we know Elsa, a strong girl she is.

See you soon my blizzard! :*

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