Chapter 8 Piper's Garden

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Jack's POV

Elsa is really something. I just found out that she can be really too uptight. I should mess with her. Find her fun side. I know she has one, i saw it on Facebook. Haha!

"Where to ma'am?" I asked her.

"Toooooooo... ummm... Why don't we just drive? If I remember or see something I'll tell you."

"Okay." I started the engine and got out of the driveway.

We drove around maybe there's no good place to stop because we didn't stop anywhere.

"So do you have any sibling?" I asked.

"One. A younger sister. Anna. She's 16."

"Oh. Is she hot?"

"What? No! She's very polite and a proper lady. Don't describe her as hot." she said. "But I have two children though."

"What?!" I looked at her wide eyed then back at the road.

"Easy, hahaha one is a stuffed teddy bear and the other is a puppy." she laughed at me.

For a second there I thought she really had kids. Even though if it seems unbelievable.

"They were both given to me by Francis. So they're like our children. What about you?"

"Oh. I'm an only child."

"Stop here!" she said as she held my arm.

I slowed down the car and parked near the road. I looked down and stared at her hand on my right arm. She followed my gaze and fell red and pulled away her hand.

"Umm. Let's go." She said.

We got down the car and walked up to a huge arc or leaves and flowers.

"Piper's Garden" I read it out loud. (For Percy Jackson fans, you saw what I did there.)

"This is a great place to stop for a while. C'mon." Elsa said, then lead the way.

We walked through the arc and followed the pathway. It lead us to a beautiful garden with different kinds of plants. Elsa lead me to a bush maze and we got in. I just followed and followed her. We reach to some dead ends and on every end was a rare or a very beautiful plant.

"Are we lost?" I asked.

"Nope." she said.

"Then why do we reach into dead ends?"

"Do you not want to see the plants?"

"No, I'd like to see them."

Then she kept going. The bushes were 3 feet above my head. I saw light at the far north, I think that's the exit. When we stepped out of the maze bush all I saw was a beautiful a beautiful tulip garden, the colors were arranged in perfect alignment.

"Breath taking isn't it?" Elsa said staring at the fields.

"Yeah." I took a deep breath then exhaled.

"C'mon let's go!"

"Go whe-" Before I could ask she ran towards the tulip garden. "Is it legal?" She didn't answer so I just ran after her.

Elsa's POV

Asking if it's legal? This is a public garden! Though not a lot of people come here because they're afraid thy might get lost in the maze. But I know my way in there. I've been coming here since I was young. The owner of this place a nice old lady, she would let me play anywhere I want. She's very kind and friendly and deep. I have no idea how huge Piper's Garden is, it's just really really big.

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