Chapter 5 Lovebirds by the Beach

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Logan's POV

I decided to sit beside the girl from earlier. She just caught me off guard.

"Jenna right?" I asked.

"Yeah. Most just call me Jen" she blushed. Maybe it was from earlier.

"It's really nice here at Dreamworks." I said as I placed my hands beside me to lean on them and stretch my legs in front of me. She didn't react.

She was silent for a while.

"About earlier-the introductory part, it was a joke" she faced me.

"So you don't have a boyfriend?" I faced her.

"No. Um. No, I don't have a boyfriend. I had one but he broke up with me because he met another girl. And she wasn't even that pretty."

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Sorry!" I tried to hold back my smile.

Jenna's POV

What's so funny? It wasn't a joke. She really wasn't that pretty.

Then he stopped then looked down.

"I said it was complicated because I was courting this girl back home and she seemed to like me back but at times I see her getting cuddly and sweet with this other guy. But she still gives me hints of interest in me. So I really don't know."

Wow. That is complicated. But if that were me then I'd stop courting that girl because she doesn't deserve time. But I can't tell him that, he might think I'm making him forget about her and think of me instead.

"You should ask her." I told him.

"How? It's not e're together already."

"Every guy has the right to be jealous, to ask, to confirm."

He fell silent like he was thinking. Then he took out his phone and called somebody. Maybe it's his mom.

"Hey Mary, oh contrary."

Logan's POV

I considered Jenna's advice and called Mary. She's the girl I was courting.

"Hey Logan! How's Dreamworks?" Mary said.

"Great. How about you? How was that guy you were with at the mall last week? I saw how sweet you were feeding each other ice cream."

"Oh that? He's just a friend."

"I forgot to mention he licked the cream off the side of your lips when it melted. What was he? A human dog?"

She fell silent.

"Yeah nice talking to you too Mary! Bye!" Then I ended the call.

Jenna looked at me wide eyed and laughing.

"I said to talk to her, not end your courtship days. But that worked out well too. So fine."

"Yeah. So, Hi. I'm Logan Lest. Guitarist. 19. SINGLE."

She blushed and just shook my hand. (Awwwww. Aren't they cute? Let's get back to jelsa.)

5:30am in the morning

Jack's POV

We knew we needed our sleep so we decided to go back to town and take home Elsa and her friends.

On our way back I was staring out the window and when I took a peek from the corner of my eye I saw that Elsa had fallen asleep with her face facing upward. Poor girl.

So I carefully and lightly moved her head to lean on my shoulder. Good. She didn't wake up.

Elsa's POV

I felt my face was being touched, then it occurred to me that it was Jack at my left. Then it felt like my head was leaning on his shoulder. I was too tired to care anyway. I'm half awake half asleep. What do I care?

Soon we fell to a stop.

"Elsa, wake up" someone was whispering.

I slowly opened my eyes and it was Jack. Then I got the chance to react from sleeping on his shoulder. I blushed and hurried down the van.

We waved goodbye to the band and when they were out of sight each one of us moved sluggishly towards the front door of the house.

I didn't remember much because as I was walking I was also falling asleep.

Jack's POV

We got to the hotel and we never bothered to change. The band was in one room, we're boys, we know how to share.

I lay on the bed and closing my eyes, I could remember my last thought before falling asleep. It was Elsa, and her smile, and her green apple mint scented hair.


I'm ending here for now! It's almost midnight here.

Tomorrow is another Jelsa day. Urgh! I'm to eager to write the next part!

Don't you think Logan and Jenna are just cute? I wish I had their love story.

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