Chapter 50 Last Night

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Soon after the city lights were beginning to fade Jack turned his attention to the pretty platinum blonde on his shoulder. He looked at her peaceful face asleep and realized that it was yet another fantastic view. He wondered what she dreamed about and hoped it was him. Looking at the sky, the sun was about to hit their roof and he knew it would awaken her slumber so he carefully shifted his body to avoid waking her. But alas, the beauty was no longer asleep but also barely awake.

"Mmm... I can walk," Elsa said weakly with eyes closed.

"Shh...Just sleep." Jack said. But Elsa insisted to walk so he set her down and held her by the waist with her other arm over his neck.

They moved a few steps but then he noticed that Elsa's feet was more on dragging than on walking so he decided to scoop her up and this time she didn't hesitate. He carried her back to the boy's room where everyone was asleep. Logan and Jenna were spooning on the bed, Dan was hugging Harry, and the rest were on separate beds.

Jack set her down in his bed in the corner nearest to the bathroom. He pulled off her hair tie and loosened her french braid. He did this to her sister every time he puts her to bed at night. He then set his bed on the floor to sleep.

"You don't have to sleep on the floor," Elsa began. Jack looked up to find half icy blue eyes staring at him. "It's painful to the back, believe me, I've experienced it."

Jack didn't know what to say.

"You can sleep with me on the bed," Elsa continued. "I don't mind. It'd even get better sleep knowing you're lying on a proper bed."

"Alright." Jack pushed himself off the floor and climbed on the other side of the bed. "Just to get you to shut up and get some rest." Jack lied on the bed but not under the covers, he still knows his boundaries.

"What time is it?" Elsa asked.

"Sleep time Elsa. Hush. Sleep. Dream. Dream of us." He whispered the last one wondering if she heard it. The last thing he saw before everything went black was the sight of long, shiny, platinum blonde hair.


Elsa woke up to a handsome face, with platinum white hair, with a bit of saliva at the corner of his lips. She found Jack really cute when he's sleeping peacefully. Then moments from earlier that morning flashed back to her mind and she felt her cheeks flush, grateful that his eyes were closed so he wouldn't see. She carefully slid off the covers and walked towards the bathroom to freshen up before breakfast.

She got to the kitchen to find Jenna and Logan on the kitchen counter eating off cereals and milk in a bowl and casually feeding each other spoonfuls.

"Oh hey Elsa!" Jenna waved her spoon. Elsa smiled at her and Logan turned around to greet her.

"Good morning Els," Logan said.

"Morning Logan," Elsa walked up to them.

"Want some cereal?" Jenna offered.

"No thanks, I need something hard after last nights coconut drink."

"Don't remind me." Jenna said.

"By the way, how is your baby doing?" Elsa joked.

"Ha-ha. Funny. That was so embarrassing."

Elsa pulled some stuff out of the fridge, turned on the stove and began cooking.

"Easy to cook pancakes, anybody want one?" Elsa asked.

"No thanks," Jenna and Logan said.

"I do." Turning to the familiar voice Elsa met with icy blue eyes. "Good morning." Jack smiled warmly at her.

(Jelsa) Celebrity vs. OrdinaryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora