Chapter 34 Charades

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Kristoff’s POV

We were all happily enjoying our late breakfast and I was laughing along with everybody when I noticed Elsa stand up with the person beside her. Jack was it? They both left the room silently without telling anyone. Doesn’t even seem like they were trying to not be noticed.

“I need to go to the bathroom,” I leaned over to Anna beside me.

“Mmm. It’s two doors down the left.” She said.

“Okay. I’ll be right back.” I smiled to her then left the room.

I looked to my right, no sight of them, so I went left. I walked silently, careful not to be heard. I can’t clearly hear what they’re talking about but I think it’s about bad hair days and stuff. I followed them to the piano room and hid behind a statue and saw how Jack begged and gestured towards Elsa.

When they went in the piano room I stood outside eavesdropping on them. They both sang a song expressing their feelings. They argued after the song. I peeked from the crack of the door and saw the two of them hugging. They were saying something but I couldn’t hear what it was.

I understand now, they’re both in love but Elsa can’t love Jack back because of Francis. She’s nothing but nice to me and accepting my relationship with Anna. She doesn’t deserve this, Elsa doesn’t deserve this. She needs to know. For her sake, and for my love, Anna.

“Ehem.” I stepped out from behind the door.

“Kristoff.” Elsa looked surprised.

“Elsa, may I speak to you?”

“I don’t feel like talking right now Kristoff, I’m sorry.” She walked up to me and that’s when I noticed that she’d been crying. “We’ll talk later.” She patted my shoulder and left the room.

“What is it that you have to tell her?” I looked up and saw Jack in front of me.

He might as well know. He deserves it too.

Elsa’s POV

“Alright! Let’s go outside and enjoy the fun and the fresh air!” Anna announced when we are all in the living room.

“And do what?” I asked.

“Badminton? Volleyball? Chess?” She suggested.

“It looks really hot outside Anna, maybe we should stay inside.” I said.

“Ooohh! Let’s play charades instead!” Punzie suggested.

“I’m in! Me too! Me three! Umm…what comes after three?” The boys said.

“That settles it, charades it is!” Anna left the room and brought back a bowl, paper, and pens and pencils. “Write whatever you want and make sure everyone in the room knows about it.”

Dan was acting and he was making kissy faces, then hugging himself. Then he took out his tongue. What is he doing?!

“It looks very disturbing.” I said while trying to look away.

“Kiss!” Kristoff guessed, and all the other guesses followed.

“Kiss hug?”

“Kissing while touching?”

“Tongue out? Licking?”

What is he acting out?! Oh my god! Someone just please guess it already!

“French Kiss!” Harry blurted out.

“Right!” Dan said, then they both did a high five.

“Who would write that?” I looked at their faces.

“I did.” Dan raised his hand and I face-palmed.

When it was my turn to act out I started with holding my hands up and forming a huge circle.

“Ball.” Someone guessed.

I bent down and formed invisible mountain ranges shapes with smooth tops.

“What are you doing?”

I crossed my arms thinking of how to make it easier. So I raised my hands up and did a rain drop action like how kids would do it. Then I raised my fist up in the air.


“Rain up”

I blew a strand of hair away from my face and looked at them hopelessly. I then took a piece of paper and ripped it to shreds and threw it in the air falling like confetti then I contacted my wrists together with palms open and pushed my hands in front of me.

“Ice Powers!” Jack stood up.

“Right!” I said. “I wrote that.” I explained to everyone.

“Yeah,” Jack went on, “‘cause the paper was snow falling and your hands, well they,”

“Control it.” We both said in unison with our eyes locked at each other. Then I remembered people are around.

“Right, so who’s next?” I sat back down beside Punzie.

“My turn!” Anna stood up and picked a paper in the bowl.

Jack’s POV

It was a lucky guess, ‘Ice Powers’. I’ve always wanted Ice Powers to control the snow and everything.

“This is easy.” Anna said and began acting.

She crouched a bit and acted like she was throwing things.

I stole a glance at Elsa and our eyes met, and she quickly looked away with her face turning red.

“Monster!” Logan guessed and Anna gestured ‘wrong’. She then opened her mouth like she was screaming but in mute.

I glanced at Elsa and she has her eyes focused on Anna so I stared at her more. But by the next second her eyes met mine again and I quickly darted by eyes away. It was my turn to blush.

Anna was now pretending to pull something really heavy, like she was pulling a rope.

“Fishing? Mountain climbing? What is it Anna?” They all guessed and whined. “We give up.”

“It’s Marshmallow!” She blurted out.

“What?! Where’s the Marshmallow in all of that?!” Dan complained. “It’s supposed to be white, soft, fluffy, and sweet.”

I looked and Elsa and she shrugged her shoulders smiling and I smiled back.

“Well that’s how I remember it.” Anna crossed her arms and went back to her seat and dove in to the arms of Kristoff.

What he told me earlier was very surprising and a bit hard to process. I need to discuss it with the guys later when it’s just us. I asked for Kristoff’s number if I need any clarifications and more information.


Heeeya! School's back on for me my blizzards! So I'm leaving you with this chappy, I know it doesn't have a lot of feels and it didn't top off the confession last chapter, but the next one is great.

I'll update soon! Stay safe you guys! :*

Don't hesitate to PM me, ask me anything. :]


(Jelsa) Celebrity vs. OrdinaryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt