Chapter 48 A Walk to the Moon

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The library seems very quiet today, why wouldn't it be? It's only after breakfast, everyone is practically still asleep right now. I'm taking a break from reading "The Catastrophic History of You and Me by Jess Rothenberg" the feels in this book is exhausting me. Speaking of feels, yesterday was surprising. I still had no idea why he did that. Maybe he wanted my opinion on their new song? I was lost in my thoughts that I haven't notice that I've already logged in to Elena's account. There are a number of notifications, I was tagged in one photo by Jack.

It was from the garden after he sang to me, it was captioned as, "my reigning queen". Our faces are so close to each other with my arm around his neck. When did I ever do that? When I'm around Jack everything just feels so natural. This fake relationship we're showing to his fans feels like it is. It's like I'm living two lives with two different boyfriends. Wait, does that count as cheating? If only I could have them both. I scrolled over the Vampire Diaries fan blog on Tumblr and I saw a gif of Katherine Pierce, it was subtitled with, "it's okay to love them both". She did love both Stefan and Damon but she only truly loved Stefan. In the end she only loved one.

This is commitment versus some stranger who isn't much of a stranger. The person who feels like a stranger right now is Francis. I get the feeling I don't know something, he's hiding something from me. He went to parties without telling me, his absence during the coronation night is still unsolved. Jack kind of made up for that already. Memories of the party filled my mind, when I finally put the pieces together on how that night came to be, especially the part where he knew the dance routine.

I pulled myself from the clouds and looked down to see 1019 likes? What? Overnight it gets this much love? Or maybe some of them are from Toothiana and her minions. Haters gotta hate, but they also like what they hate.

"Hey Elsa."

I looked up to meet wise eyes and blonde locks.

"Annabeth! You're early," I turned my phone face flat on the table.

"It is my library of course," Annabeth Chase said.

Annabeth's library, one of my favorite spots in Dreamworks, second to Piper's Garden. She doesn't really own the place, it's just a coincidence that the place has her same name. Ms. Belle runs the place but Annabeth helps around so often people would think she actually owns it. Ms. Belle, the kind-hearted woman that she is, simply doesn't mind.

"Right." I smiled at her.

"What you got there?" she looked over to my book. "Brie and Patrick huh? I bet you're eager too get them together already."

"You would know."

"I've read almost every book in this library, skimmed the Atlas and some History books. Already knew those during Geography and History class." She smiled proudly.

That's true, she's at the top of her class. She knows every capital of every country in the world. And the smartest girl in school has the dorkiest boyfriend. She and Percy have been together for years now, she calls him "Seaweed Brain". Must be an inside joke, but I never bothered to ask.

"Gotta go file some books, see you around Els!" Annabeth turned her back to me and headed to the rows of shelves filled with books of different sizes.

I was about to pick up my book when my phone buzzed.

Jack: Stay up 'til dawn again?

Jack: Jenna's going if you are.

Another no-sleep adventure? Why not right? Still got a couple more weeks before school's back.

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