Chapter 16 What Could He Have Meant?

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Jack's POV

Virgo Cerebrus, Manny's- I mean Manuel's father. He's very mysterious, he can read people just by staring at our eyes, or maybe when he touched us. It's like he took a peak at our souls. Or maybe it's just the wiseness of old people.

"Welcome to my humble home boys." Virgo said. "Just call me 'Virgo'". If you have any questions, just ask the maids or Manuel, or me. I won't bother giving you a tour, you can discover the house yourself. Take it as a little adventure."

A maid approached Virgo, "Sir, lunch is being served."

"You heard her boys, it's time to eat." Virgo said smiling.

His maid turned his wheelchair, Manny gestured for us to follow. As we entered the huge house we first noticed a huge living room, well two actually. The first one had a television, and the room beside it only had chairs and a table at the middle. Paintings were scattered around the wallpaper-covered room. After that room was the dining room with a long table for plenty of people. On the table were food and plates and utensils ready. Virgo sat at the center of one end and he gestured for us to take our seats.

Elsa's POV

Avoiding Francis was painful, we usually do things together. Before lunch he sent me a text message saying he'll be eating outside the school. He didn't say why but the reason was obvious. We couldn't see each other without speaking of the topic. I ate lunch with my girls like I always have and thankfully they didn't bother to talk about our fight. I prefer talking about school rather than that.

After lunch I went to class yet I always come across Francis and he stares at me while I try not to look at his direction. Because if I do, I'd get frustrated, and when I get frustrated I cry. So that was the best thing to do.

Jack's POV

Lunch was fine, Virgo tried to get to know us a little and he managed to talk to his son about his work and his personal life.

After lunch we head off to begin our own different adventures around the house. I went to the garden at the back of the house and sat at one of the stone benches. I thought about what Virgo had said to us earlier; Logan being "in love", we all knew he liked Jenna, but really? Love already? It's only been days.

Dan being, a "ladies man". No argument there. We're not even sure if he's ever going to commit to a girl, like make her his girlfriend. Take her to dates and not flirt on any other girls.

Harry being "a family guy", we knew he loved his mother but he's not in good terms with his father, but he has a long term girlfriend also, could he have meant that Harry was heading to the sunset sooner? But he's young, then again who knows?

He said Zayn was a "fighter" and not the physical type of fight, he meant the emotional type. Zayn must be planing to stand up to his parents regarding that girl he really liked. Good for him. I smiled at that thought. I think in the entire world I'm the only person he trusted with that secret and I feel honored.

Then I thought about what he said to me, "in denial". I am not denying anything, what's to deny? I don't like Elsa that way. She's like a special friend and that's all we'll ever be because she has Francis and I doubt she'll let him go after all they've been through.

"Lovely day isn't it?" I turned to the sound of the voice and saw Virgo beside me, I hadn't noticed. He asked his personal nurse to leave us alone for a while.

"It is, sir," I answered.

"Boy don't 'sir me' I'm too young for that." I laughed and he smiled.

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