Chapter 54 Anybody Home?

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It's been two days since Elsa found out and for the last two days I visited her house but she refused to see me much less let me in through the gates. I talk to Anna and she tells me Elsa's been acting weird and not herself. She said she hasn't cried since the last time I saw her cry in Piper's Garden. Anna's worried that she's lost her sister to someone incapable of feeling anything at all. Anna tries to convince Elsa to get out of the house and do something fun but she'd turn her down and just watch TV all day or read a book.

Today I'm going to visit her again, she'll probably turn me down but it's worth a shot. When I reached their gates I was surprised to see Elsa at the front porch reading a book.

"Hi," I said, hopefully she heard me.

She looked up and her eyes met mine. I was waiting for them to smile like they usually do when I meet her but they're cold and without a soul right now. I took a deep breath and chose my words carefully.

"Can I come in?" I'm afraid of what she'll say.

She moved her shoulders up and then down and I took that as a yes. It was a yes! She's letting me in and my hands are shaking as I reached for the locks of the gate. I slowly walked up to her and I kept my eyes on her until I stood in front of her.

"May I?" I gestured to the seat beside her and she nodded. She set her book down and stared at me. I looked down at my sweaty palms. I have no idea what to say to her, I didn't think this through. I wasn't even expecting to see her, though I was hoping to.

"What do you want?" She said coldly and my head jumped up to look at her still cold eyes.

"I uh-, I-" What should I say?

"If you're going to tell me your sorry then you better leave 'cause I don't want to hear them." She said picking up her book again.

I looked around and I stood up and walked in to their house, I found Anna and she gave me a guitar. I looked at her confused but she was smiling.

"Kristoff told me you wrote her a song," she said. "Now go."

She pushed me towards to front door and I sat back down beside Elsa. I tweaked on the strings to get the tone right and tested some more. I turned to her and admired her a while. She looks so pretty when she has her nose in her books. I lifted my hands and slowly took the book from her, incidentally brushing my hands to hers in the process. She looked up and a bit annoyed but I did my best to ignore that.

I took her hand and settled them on her lap and I motioned my right hand pointing to my ears. She still looked uninterested but I have to let her hear me.

I began strumming the guitar and kept my eyes on her. I could have asked the guys to help me play but it's between Elsa and I right now.

"You deserve someone who listens to you
Hears every word and knows what to do
When you're feeling hopeless, lost and confused
There's somebody out there who will

You need a man who holds you for hours
Make your friends jealous
When he brings you flowers
And laughs when he says they don't have love like ours
There's somebody out there who will

There's somebody out there who's looking for you
Someday he'll find you, I swear that it's true
He's gonna kiss you and you'll feel the world standstill
There's somebody out there who will

He'll take you dancing and pull you in close
Spin you around and won't let you go
Till they turn the lights off and he'll take you home
There's somebody out there who will

There's somebody out there who's looking for you
Someday he'll find you I swear that it's true
He's gonna kiss you and you'll feel the world standstill
There's somebody out there who will

Tossing and turning and dreaming at night
About finding him and praying and hoping you might
'Cause you deserve someone who knows how to treat you right

I know he's out there
He's looking for you
Someday he'll find you I swear that it's true
And he's gonna kiss you and you'll feel the world standstill

You need someone who'll miss you
Hold you and kiss you
There's somebody out there who will"

I set the guitar down and I took her hands in mine. I rub them softly with my thumbs as I look for any hint of feelings in her eyes. I stare at them full of hope as I told her, "I'll wait for you. We'll wait for you. Come back to us." I took her hands to my lips and placed them on her lap again before I stood up to leave. I turned to look at her one last time when I was outside their gate but she was gone.

When I reached the gates of the mansion my phone began to ring. The caller ID was from Anna.

"What did you do?" Anna sounded worried.

"What do you mean what did I do? When I got out of the gates she wasn't on the porch anymore." I tell her.

"She ran pass me and went straight to locking herself in her room. I call to her but she won't answer me."

I know it's wrong but I smiled a bit knowing that it worked. Elsa probably began to feel something.


This felt like it was too fast but I'm out of ideas for this chapter. But if I did have ideas, it'll just drag the story so I need to pump it up a little.

See you soon my blizzards! :*

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