Chapter 22 Let's Wing It

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Jack's POV

 The crowd cheered and everyone was on their feet. We thanked them all.

Merida ran up to Hiccup and tackled him with a hug, luckily he caught his balance.

“You were great Hiccup!” Merida had a huge smile on her face. “You didn’t tell me you could sing like that!”

“I didn’t think I was that good.”

Merida hugged him again and Hiccup turned to Zayn giving him a thumb up. Zayn did the same. Then Hiccup turned to me and mouthed the words ‘thank you’ and I simply winked at him. He then returned his attention his girlfriend and kissed her head.

Some girls in the restaurant recognized us.

“It’s the band from last week!”

“Oh my gosh! They’re so cute when you go closer!”

“The drummer has an awesome mow hawk.”

“The bass player is cute too.”

I laughed hearing their comments. I saw Jenna running up to Logan and she was pretty happy about everything that had happened. She took out her phone and they took a photo together.

Elsa came up to me and I noticed Francis was nowhere to be found.

“That was amazing, what you did back there for Hiccup.” She smiled warmly at me.

“Thanks. It was Zayn’s idea.”

She just smiled at me.

“Where’s Francis?”

“He took a call outside. Couldn’t hear with all the racket.” She frowned.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” She shook her head then took a deep sigh. “He’s been on his phone the entire dinner, I can’t help but be curious and suspicious.”

I opened my mouth to say something but I realized it’s not time to tell her yet.

“I’m sure it’s nothing Els.” I touched her shoulder then I realized it was kind off awkward so I slowly put it down. My cheeks are feeling warm. I hope she doesn’t notice.

“You’re right.”

Zayn came up to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

“Hey dude, the crowd wants one more song.”

“What are we gonna play?”

“I don’t know, let’s talk to the band.”

He walked away and called the rest of the guys for a quick discussion. I turned to Elsa and shrugged my shoulders while smiling and she smiled back.

“Go make some magic.” She pushed me away smiling.

Elsa’s POV

I watched the boys gather in a circle planning on what to play next. It was very nice of them to help out Hiccup impress Merida. They must have been together for few years now. They seem very comfortable with each other.

“Look at me and Logan in this photo!” Jenna squealed. “Aren’t we cute together?”

I smiled at her then looked at the photo, “You are.” I gave her back her phone.

“I recorded a bit of their ‘unplanned’ performance.” She played the video.

There it is, the look in Jack’s face. It was worried for a moment then it relaxed. That was the time when Francis was bugging me asking me to go outside with him but I was too happy with everything that was happening. I didn’t understand why he couldn’t wait after the performance. And what was with him tonight and his phone?

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