Chapter 24 Guy and Girl Code

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Jack’s POV

“I’m telling you Zayn, something is up with Francis.”

Around late in the morning I finally had the chance to tell Zayn about the thing I know about Francis. We were in the living room, the one with no TV.

“How can you tell?” Zayn asked.

“Tell what?” Harry came over.

“Do tell Jack.” Dan also came.

I looked at Zayn and he nodded.

“You might as well know in case I ever need back up,” I said to them. I shifted in my seat to face the three of them, and Logan came just in time.

“I heard it myself. Yesterday, when we were at the bumper cars place I looked for Francis because we were about to leave for dinner. I found him in a dark corner, but he wasn’t alone. There were FOUR other guys with him. They were paying him money for every month that he was with Elsa. And the biggest bet was, he’d be paid two thousand if he gets to take Elsa’s virtue.”

“What’d he say to you?” Harry asked.

“Nothing. He didn’t see me when they were talking and I backed up a bit pretending I just turned the corner when he came to the light.”

“You can’t tell Elsa, she won’t believe you.” Zayn said.

“But she’s already suspecting Francis of something since last night because he was always on his phone.” I argued.

“Let’s say you tell her, and she tells Francis, then he lies again. Who do you think she’s going to believe? You don’t have proof.” Zayn responded.

He was right, I have no proof. “Then what do you suggest?”

“Punch Francis and force him to confess.” Dan said with punching movements.

“There will be no violence,” Logan said.

“Logan, Jenna cannot know about this” I told him and he nodded.

“Make her fall for someone else?” Harry suggested.

“Where did that idea come from?” I asked him but he shrugged his shoulders instead.

Zayn snapped his fingers and we all tuned to him. “That’s right. The least painless way would be to make Elsa fall for someone else!” Then their heads turned to me.

“Dude you gotta court her.” Dan said.

“We’ll help you!” Harry said.

“It won’t be that hard because you’ve already fallen for her.” Zayn patted me on the back. “I never thought I’d say this but I support you courting Elsa.”

“I can’t court her, she’s in love with Francis!”

“Do you think you’re fooling us? We can see the way you act around each other. Those glares, those smiles. She’s falling for you and she knows it, we know it. I’m just surprised YOU didn’t know it.” Logan said.

“You sound like a girl.” I said to Logan.

“At least I can see love between two people.” Logan replied.

“Now how do we start it?” Harry asked.

“We don’t, because I’m not doing it.”

“Then do it for her.” Zayn started. “We are all caught with her charm. She’s every man’s dream, and she doesn’t deserve to be treated this way. She’s getting dumped when Francis gets everything he needs. If not, she’s getting dumped anyway. And who will she turn to when that time comes? Who will catch her? You? You’re not her knight in shining armor, you’re just her friend. And being her friend isn’t enough. She needs more assurance.”

Ouch. That hurt. But I knew that Zayn was right. I’m just her friend, that’s all I’ll ever be if I don’t act up now. Elsa’s not a damsel in distress, but she does need saving. I sighed.

“Fine.” I finally said. “We’ll start later, or tomorrow, or after we practice the song in the music room.”

Elsa’s POV

It’s late in the afternoon and we had brunch, the rest of the gang had already left but I stayed at Jenna’s for a bit longer. We were in her room watching a chic flick. We’re smart enough not to watch any horror movies without guys around or gays, because Jenna would punch the heaven out of the men when she gets scared.

“Jen I need to talk to you about something.”

She didn’t bother to put the movie on hold.

“Yeah, what?”

“You know how I tell you all my dirty little secrets, well even if I don’t tell you you know anyway. It’s about Jack.”

“Mhmm… What about him?” I sat on the opposite bed and face her.

“I don’t know. I’m a horrible person. I think I might have feelings for him.” I put my hands on my cheeks.

“No way! Jack Frost?”


“How come I never saw that?”

“You were too busy falling for Logan.”

“Right. But what about Francis?”

“That’s the problem. I still love Francis, but I’m starting to have feelings for Jack.”

“You don’t love Francis Els, if you do then you wouldn’t have fallen for Jack.”

“Last night I made an excuse to make us fight so he’d leave and Jack and I could have a moment, and we did. Francis was on his phone all night and I exaggerated just to make us fight.” I feel so horrible. “I’m cheating on Francis.”

“You’re not cheating on him Els.” She stood up and sat beside me.

“I am. My heart is cheating. And I feel like I need to choose a side, to choose a guy. I’m supposed to be loyal!”

“What you feel for Jack, is this a long term? Or a short term? Maybe it’s just a starstruck thing where you thought you like like the guy but you realize you’re just attracted to him for a short period of time.” She caressed my hair.

“When Jack’s not around I tend to look for him rather than Francis. I sometimes forget that I have a boyfriend.”

“Chill, you’re not married.” She puts her hands up, palms facing me.

“So you’re saying this is all okay?”

“Not at all.”

“What should I do?” I lied down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. “Jack Frost, why did you do this to me?”

“We’ll see if this goes on any further. We know better than to run away from our problems. And besides, if you try to avoid Jack, it’ll just get worse like in the movies. Your paths would just collide more often.”

I raised an eyebrow at her and she smiled.

“I need chocolate.” I got up and headed for the door.

“Right behind ya.” She stood up and followed me as we head downstairs.


OMG! Jack is gonna start courting Elsa! Jelsa moments, here we come!

Dear oh dear, Elsa is in a dilemma, but we all know how this will end. More secrets of Francis will be revealed soon.

Thank You my darling Jelsa shippers! We hit 3.1K! Eeeeeiiippp!!!! I am so so so happy! Thank you all for continuing on reading this story, for the rates, and for being patiently waiting for updates. YOU ARE AWESOME! \m/

I’ll update soon!

Have freshly baked egg pies!

Lovelots! :*


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