Chapter 10 True Dreamworkers

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Jack's POV

I saw a colorful structure up ahead. It had pastel colors of pink, yellow, blue, green, every other pastel color. We got closer and I saw it was an ice cream parlor.

"We came here for ice cream?" I asked Elsa.

"Why? Don't you like ice cream? It's only the second most distracting food in the world" she said.

We arrived outside the parlor and parked our bikes beside the other bikes. We got inside and it was packed with people. We got to the counter and I looked down at the various flavors they have.

"How can you pick just one?" I asked.

"You don't. So you'll have to come back again next time and order something else" the server said. "This is your first time here isn't it?"

"Yeah. I never knew this place was here" I said.

"Something tells me you have a sweet tooth for chocolates. I recommend the Triple Chocolate" he said.

"You're the expert" I said.

He took a cup and put three giant scoops of chocolate ice cream on it.

"Toppings?" he asked.

"Vanilla syrup and minty snowflake sprinkles." I said.

He put it all on and stuck a plastic spoon at the side. He then handed it to me.

"I'll take the Frozen Blue Lagoon, and Vanilla. Then chocolate syrup and the sugar gems for toppings." Elsa said. (Does anyone else think this ice cream tastes really good?)

He scooped up the ice creams and added the toppings then gave it to Elsa. We headed to the counter and I paid for everything.

We took a seat at the corner beside a glass window. Elsa then took a spoon full of her ice cream. I looked at my cup and it was just looking so sweet and delicious. I took my spoon, dig it in the ice cream and pulled it out.

"Here goes." I raised my spoon then put it in my mouth.

Before I could say anything, the sever came up to us. "So how is it?" he asked me.

"It's really really great and really really realllyyy chocolatety." I said it like a little kid. "Oh why didn't I grow up here?"

"I told you it was something to come back for." he said. Then he smiled at me and Elsa. "I'm Remy. Pleased to serve you."

"Jack. Honored to be served by you." then we shook hands. I faced Elsa. "And this is-"

"Elsa Arendale." he said cutting me off.

"I'm a regular here Jack. i grew up in this place. He's Kris's dad."

Ohhh kaaay.

"This place is really great. It should be known around the globe" I said.

"Yes. But then we're not aiming for that. We want to keep things simple and light. The mystery of this place adds to that simplicity. Only few tourists come here because they've been told by their close friends or relatives. And those close friends and relatives are true Dreamworkers. I'm not saying we want this place to be exclusive. We want this place to be like a second or third home for the people. People who'd stay in this town and come back the following day. Not just people who'll buy here once and never comeback  because they're just passing by or in a hurry. Each person here has a story to tell, my sister met his husband here. People meet new friends here. Here at Yamie's, we're one big happy family."

I got his point and understood what he was aiming for. I was amazed by how deep he is and how he sees this island. I looked around and saw that every other moment people would look at another table then smile it's like they all know each other. Hey, if I do ever stop being in the band maybe I could work here. Really Jack? Well it's just a thought though.

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